Happy Fathers Day to my brother Clayton Johnson and to Manthel - TopicsExpress


Happy Fathers Day to my brother Clayton Johnson and to Manthel Boone, Ty Whittenburg, Shaunn Wyche, Willie Hicks, Keith White, Heawatha Sanders Brian Wilson! Today also happens to mark exactly 6 months since my stroke! I am definitely grateful to still be here on this Fathers DAY. I appreciate that I was given a second chance! I am getting better everyday. Still have a lot to do. Losing weight like crazy! Almost back to high school weight. Lol but every day my kids treat me like nothing ever happened! They help me without me asking. Thank you Karla ,Jordan and Leah for showing unconditional love for your DAD. It gives me strength! I think being a Father is awesome! I you all. Good morning hommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmies! Gotta get ready for work!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 12:02:02 +0000

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