Happy Fitness Challenge Friday!! Everyone! Congratulations on - TopicsExpress


Happy Fitness Challenge Friday!! Everyone! Congratulations on making it through another week! I dont know about you--but this week was ROUGH. All sorts of emotions were being thrown around and because I had tech rehearsal all week my sleep was also effected *which makes Hannah not so fun to be around all the time* SO in celebration of FRIDAY and because WHO DOESNT need a LAUGH every once in a while--I thought Id combine our Fitness Friday with a little conquer a fear Friday and Be a flat out GOOF Friday! One of the main complaints I hear from people about starting a fitness program is that they dont know what to DO. Should I run? Should I lift weights? Should I take that class where they pretend to lasso a steer (…my interpretation of Zumba)? It can be VERY overwhelming. Heres the thing: it all depends on your GOALS. If your goal is to get to your optimal health--Id suggest doing a program or getting a personal trainer or joining a challenge group. If your goal is to run a marathon--GOOGLE it! Theres a BILLION resources. If your goal is to like AH-nuld at the Mr. Universe competition--you might want to start lifting weights. HOWEVER--no matter WHAT your goal is--you need to have FUN or you wont stick with it. There are SOME people out there who love to workout--I know--its hard to imagine (Ive actually turned IN to one of those people) but for the most part people generally SLOG through their workouts and HATE it. STOP HATING IT. Find something ELSE to do. It comes down to three little words: Move Your Body. Find something--ANYTHING--that makes you MOVE YOUR BODY! Welcome to your Fitness Challenge. I want you to find ONE way to MOVE YOUR BODY today. It can be climbing the stairs at work. It can be parking in a further spot at the grocery store. It can sitting and standing in your cube while you read emails or it can be a MINI DANCE BREAK. I have always said, I am a terrible dancer. But you know what--dont care! Im taking a mini dance break for YOU because I LOVE YOU! Let me know how your Challenge goes! Maybe youll find that you actually LIKE moving around (crazier things have happened!) and if you are ready to take that plunge and go a little further--I am ALWAYS around to help you out and suggest all sorts of FUN workouts!!! Remember: You ARE the BEST around! XOXO Hannah
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 12:47:35 +0000

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