Happy Founders Day to the best sorority in the entire world!!! To - TopicsExpress


Happy Founders Day to the best sorority in the entire world!!! To dedicate to the founders of our national organization, here are #myfive that founded a great experience for me, and have helped shape the woman I am today. (I wish I could pick about....ohhh 100 of you, but here are my five) 1. Alli Jordan who was the first ASA I knew! I will never forget one weekend night when I said If I were to join any sorority, it would be yours. Needless to say with her rock star recruiting abilities, it was all over for me after that. She then grew to become my roommate, best friend, shoulder to cry on, person to die laying with, and best inspiration....Alli, not even going to lie I dont know if I would be an English teacher if I hadnt had met you...your love for reading and writing is contagious! 2.Mom and Big of course!! Amanda Anders is the best biggy big I could have ever asked for! You are the reason why I joined, and without our Starbucks date, or the worlds BEST house tour (and by best I mean best for me, worst for you) I dont know where I would be today. To the most amazing mom, mentor, and role model I had in college Lisa Stephenson..I seriously dont even know where to start! You made me feel like the most special dot in the world (maybe it was because I was the only one who actually stayed in the chapter...or maybe it was actually just because you loved and cared about me) I learned two of my most prized qualities from you Independence and Leadership. The leadership skills you taught me inspired me to hold the offices I did in the chapter, PHA, and GAMMA...but those were just stepping stones into possibly a bigger plan if I ever become a principal some day....oh and you taught me how to drink...bahahahhaha, love ya mom! 3. All of my besties in the chapter who carried me through college, who are STILL my besties today...and will hopefully be for the rest of my life! You all saw me at my best and my worst through college, and you loved me through it all...now as we are growing up, standing next to each other as we get married, I cant wait to see what the future holds in our friendships (I wont tag you all..you know who you are) 4. Emily Schmidt I have such a special love for you in my ASA world. Meeting you was a catalyst into an entirely new perspective for me, a viewpoint that our organization really is on a national level. If it wasnt for you, I think I would still be just an apple, without the realization that this organization molds women with the same values all over the United States, not just in Emporia, Kansas. Even though the A-P-P-L-E-S are still the very best (wink wink) I have been so blessed after I graduated to volunteer for this organization with you, and work with all sorts of Alpha Sigs in different chapters around the nation. I am so proud to know that thousands of women are being brought up everywhere, just like the two of us. Love you! 5. ASA is all about leaving a legacy so my fifth and final foundation for this organization, is the one I have left behind. Its so fun watching my own daughters and little morph into amazing women whos values not only came from being an ASA, but possibly came a little bit from me too. Im so proud to say that I have watched Holly Glynn Gerri Sprecker and Sarah Swoboda grow into independent, spiritual, loving, determined, generous, beautiful, and confident women. It is an honor to be your mom and big. Its nice to reflect on how much Ive learned from being in a sorority. Spiritually, Physically, Intellectually, and Socially. I am a better woman because of Alpha Sigma Alpha.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 00:18:10 +0000

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