Happy Friday! Catch the other 3 tips over on the site. 5 Tips - TopicsExpress


Happy Friday! Catch the other 3 tips over on the site. 5 Tips to Improve Your Bench Press Probably the most anticipated lift for many trainees…..the bench press. Before even reading this article I hope you are squatting and deadlifting more frequently than you are bench pressing. If you are not, then stop reading and go squat or deadlift something. In all seriousness, those two movements are essential for growth and dominance in any lift. 1. Overhead Press More The strict press is an underutilized lift in the majority of programs. The press has caught a bad wrap in regards to shoulder health. However, when done properly it helps to greatly strengthen the shoulder girdle and triceps. You should be overhead pressing the same amount as you are benching or perhaps more than you are benching. Doing so will help keep your shoulders strong and safe and help you build a heavy bench. 2. Technique Many have said bench press is bad for your shoulders. And I will agree that it is when done improperly, like 90% of the bench presses I see in the gym. Now watch this video. What you will see here is a curved bar path, in that it starts over the shoulders and stops below nipple line and returns over the shoulders. You will notice an arched low back (butt on the bench) along with significant leg drive (push feet into the floor) to help push the bar up and back. Lastly you will see that he is externally rotated at the shoulder, this is the most stable position and ensures that his elbows with not “flare out” but that they will come down toward his side, therefore keeping his forearm vertical!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:05:57 +0000

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