Happy Friday and TGIF Yall! While out for Halloween in the - TopicsExpress


Happy Friday and TGIF Yall! While out for Halloween in the Quarter last night, I was asked by one of those people who hold a cross, if I followed Jesus. I said that I follow the teachings and travel the way to which Jesus is pointing. Their reply was “it’s not about what we do! DO you accept Jesus as your lord and savior?” “ What does that mean?” I asked “It means you have to open your heart to Jesus” they replied. What does that mean? I asked…let’s have a beer and talk about it…of course they wouldn’t and moved away from me to accost someone else with their misguided attempt to influence people in believing a lie. The answers are usually the same. Accept Jesus as your lord and savior or deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Jesus and know that Jesus died for our sins. Even after answers like that, there is still the burning question…how does one practically apply that in their lives? I know some will say it’s not about out acts. If it’s not about our acts, What about this? John 13:34-35 34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Sounds to me it is about how we act….and we should act or be as loving as Jesus was. In that verse we’re told that if we truly want to be a disciple of Jesus we “must” love one another. I’d also imagine that when we were given that commandment that no one was excluded, whether they be Jewish, gentile, Christian or Muslim (Islam wasn’t around then…but I doubt Jesus would have excluded them.) The way to God is only through the “Love” that Jesus talked about…and our highest vibration of unconditional comes from our indwelling Christ. The indwelling is our spark of the light and love of God within and only through Christ (this’ll ruffle a few feathers) and not Jesus. If we’re to believe the dogma of many Christian faiths…Jesus would be a jealous, arrogant and self centered demigog (demagogue) which is defined as : “A leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace.” To truly follow Jesus, we must recognize the divinity of all humans (love your neighbor) and in turn recognize our own (as yourself). Jesus wouldn’t care what religion were are…all that would matter to him, is how we Love one another. Let us make to day free love Friday.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 12:42:18 +0000

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