Happy Friday lovely friends! Theres a FB game going around, and I - TopicsExpress


Happy Friday lovely friends! Theres a FB game going around, and I already did this on my personal wall, so Im doing this next round of things you may or may not know about me here on my author page. The focus will be my books, my fangirl obsessions, hobbies, and other things romance. If you like my status, Ill give you a number and then you can post here things I may not know about you! Here we go: 1. Steroids are the reason I wrote my book thats coming out in the summer. Say what? I’ll explain. After Christmas last year, I was so sick I went to the doc and got antibiotics and steroids to help with my bronchitis and sinus infection. Steroids make me wide awake and unable to sleep. Those first few nights when I only got a few hours of sleep, I started watching the newest incarnation of 90210 on Netflix. I got hooked, and by February, had watched all available episodes. One story line involved a character who tested positive for a breast cancer gene mutation. She was in college. It made me think about what young women who get this diagnosis do. I researched, found many who were getting preventative mastectomies, and GOODBYE TO YOU, my book, was born. 2. Key West is one of my favorite places to visit (its my header photo) and my first book is partially set there, and my second takes place in Key West in the summer. 3. I became obsessed with vampires when THE LOST BOYS movie came out in the 80s. Then came the BUFFY obsession, and now THE VAMPIRE DIARIES and THE ORIGINALS. I love the last two so much, I am driving to Georgia with my friend Kathy to tour the sets in March. 4. I met my husband online a LONG time ago, back in 2001. After 12 years, I still get butterflies in my tummy when he winks at me. 5. In my early 20s through about 30, I spent a decent amount of time at a local gun range learning gun safety and shooting at targets, but have done it in over 10 years. Its a hobby I plan to pick up again now that a range is opening just 10 minutes from my house. 6. I was 35 when I finally earned my Bachelors degree, and then plowed through my Masters, getting that 5 years later. 7. I will admit that although I was an English major, I have never read Jane Austen. 8. Some of my friends from high school (and/or from the trailer park I grew up in) are here are Facebook, and I confess I was in love with one of them in HS (my first professed love, and I still adore him) and am newly crushing on one other. Dont get me wrong, I adore my husband and would never do anything, but the new crush is a strong, adorable single dad who would do anything for his kids. Ill just channel these crushes into my writing someday. 9. Every Christmas day, I watch LOVE, ACTUALLY while curled up in bed with my honey. 10. I dont have too many super-close friends, but the ones I do, I would lay down my life for (or help them get rid of the body) and I know they would do the same for me. You know who you are!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 13:08:31 +0000

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