Happy HOLIDAYS! - TopicsExpress


Happy HOLIDAYS! youtube/watch?v=hCNEN6aANG8&feature=g-vrec&context=G242754cRVAAAAAAAAAA @@@ @WHYY Do doctors ASK IF WE if Smell what GOD Might NOT LIKE to THINK About..... NEEDED..... @@@ @ReP*AiRs bible.cc/isaiah/65-5.htm Please Explain IF any of this IS HelpFiled? bible.cc/proverbs/4-1.htm ?Compare Understanding with Understanding.... What ya Know with What Your Stats..... ((( (Better Than Facts) ))) Is Every INDIVIDUAL 1st .... LOVE is A Healthy Mind AND HEALTHY behavior.... Behavior that is Not Considered ((( (People Having TOO be on our BEST Behaviors) ))) I ?Think A Healthy Description of the VOCABULARY Word....((((Sin)))) IS Thought OR Situations People OR INDIVIDUALS..... *Can Not REMOVE Easy.... John 15 Is THINKING 1st? *Is Responding THINKING About......... What Is NOT a Conversation.... ?FROM Minds OR Thought..... WHERE Did OLD THOUGHTS Go....... Loopy, LOOPY, Loops? SeasUS Gathered.... Genesis 1 * ?I think MOSES asked Gods...... INN Away ARE You ALL THOUGHTs... Genesis 6 Or ARE Wee? Genesis 4 Is THINKING Responding..... Ova AND Over aGAIN.... Heavy? Or IS THAT a Memory A Constant Multiplying Of THOUGHTs Remembered... Memories? We Member MEMBER~ Clothing BODIES Like Languages or Tounges..... Genesis 3 The Books of ACTS in THE Bible> Biblos Math One Book with similar Explanations ABOUT Responses, READResponses.... Decisions, DECISIONs...., *Like School.... Or HAVING your own TEXT BOOKs Instead of MAGAZINEs only About Math, Science, Geography, Languages,History, FAMILY Medical HISTORY...... I think? *Ya THINK *WeTHUNK? T2O *Avoid Mist Understandings..... Live Responsible With...... O.R. Fore..... Do WE ALL Live INN our Creator *M.I*N.D* sQUESTION.... WHEN OUR CREATOR CREATED Light..... (((( UNDERSTANDING) ))) The STARs Also.... To space THEM out WOuLd that Avoid to MUCH Heat INN our Creator M.I.N.Ds? Heating? Refrigeration? Or.... @Point 1... TO Much THOUGHT in ONE Area Of 1 MinD..... Isaiah 9 and 6..... Isaiah 1... Is It Human Counselors, Explainers, RESPONDERs or *?* Conversing WITH Mediators ((( (Does GOD have TO Break A THOUGHT) ))) Barriors INN WHO M.I.N.D... A sound Barrior a Unit of THOUGHT? A Scent Barrier A Unit of THOUGHT? A Body Barrier A Unit of THOUGHT,.., ?Ours Or OUR Creator (((THE 1 WITHout GENITILa or GENDERs)))) *Are .......Angelic Beings THAT Recreate Dimensions of Thoughts.... Isaiah 9 and 6..... John 1 John15 ( ((( NkOt Jon))) ) IS thought Explained, Understood... OR Realized? You EVER Catche Your SELVES Thinking Winds.... Ya THINK GOD Has REIgNS..... *t2o Tag THOUGHT Like A New Borns FEET or Ankles.... How Many THOUGHTS does GOD Have THAT Spake Back.... HOW! About! TALK BACK!!! *@Measured in U.N.I.Ts Explained to be *THOUGHTs.... ^The Worlds THE Atmoist~SPHERES, *THE worlds ALL Population THE Atmoist~SPHERES Antonyms, HOMONYMs, Synonyms Or Did GOD Catch Talking OUR Creator INN Our CREATOR THINKING in Our Creator Speach? Esau? Dou SEE Your Woards WHILE Conversing? Comforting? How You Know... Doo WEE all HaVE A Goto THOUGHt? Or A Pivit Response? To Post.... *POINT 2 & 1 IF OUR CREATOR DOES NOT CALIBRATE TO REGULATE... *THEN to Maintain...... HEALTHY & Safer ((( (BALANCE) ))) INN GOD MinD.... CAN Describe GOD Mind..... Is a MIND GOD sBody> ALL of US and CREATOR~ CRUSH a Block Or ....EXpaine Alot!!!! Jesus SAD My ELDERS Work OR Prepare FOR any OF Many Moments in ALL the TIMEs? `IF GOD HAS sensations are Wghat and why WE ?*REMBER........ %EMOTIONS *OUR CREATOR PROBALLY DOES NOT ?Intentionally CREATE FRUSTRATIONS...,. *DOES Any One EVER Hated THEM Many ...... cells, Selves, MIND? For Nothings? or MADE RE~PAIRS.... Just t2o Cutts? IF GOD *INN Creation Feeling Whats... WE Feel THE SANE Ways.... Sane TIME# IS this WHEIRD Fanky FRICTIONS Calm FROM.... Odors NOT Scents! @UNcomfOrtAble THOUGHTs are IRRITATING...... WHATis A Stinch GOD or Creation Nostrils.... Jock ITCH? Yeast ITCH? Yee? US Or AlL Musk? Wind PSALM 1 Veres 4 *DO All Maybe.... ?think THATS why God.... God MEANING ...... The Angelic Beings CREATED in OUR creator IMAGE ?Responding to THOUGHT... (( (THE Angels that CAN Repair....) )) ORa... ?(( (Recreate Dimension INN thought)) ) Why would GOD WANT TO FEEL W.H.A.T we ALL PeopleFeel.... THE Exact SANE Ways? Genesis 6 ?Will it Make 1 Individual FRUSTRATED, SAD, Dillusional, Angry, Horny, Ultimately Desiring to LIVE..... Galtians 5 INN the Paiges Middle Sects OR fractions... ? Calm~Fortable Even IF it IS NOT Balanced in Areas OF OUR CREATOR Mind.... John 15 INN the Bible Attempts TO Explain.......... A Little THAT... our ?CREATOR is Making RE~PAIRS in AND to GOD MinD? ?Our Existence DEPENDS on THOUGHTs that Do NOT Hurt or OCCUR to Offend? Is THINKING Random THOUGHTs... Or Responding..... 1 THOUGHT is EQUAL to=..... A Group OF MULTIPLE Thoughts..... THAT Can BE Considered Multiple Memorys..... ?Concerning NOUNS.... *MULTIPLYING Units Of Sensations.... *ARE Sensations..... Different FROM Feelings. WHYY ? ((( (GOOD Health OR Healthy Behaviors))) ) With THE Slieghts OF Thoughts..,. WHAT IS A STINCH in Nostrils? Bill Cosby- Natural Child Birth youtube
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 10:53:05 +0000

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