Happy Independence day to you all. Indian democracy is in a grave - TopicsExpress


Happy Independence day to you all. Indian democracy is in a grave danger because our parliamentarians are all getting united to keep political parties out of the ambit of RTI. RTI is a powerful tool that we citizens have to bring accountability, transparency in our governance. To protect RTI from ammendments, Ediga Suresh, a resident of New Jersey and a few others started a unique effort of calling Member of Parliaments, asking for their position on the proposed amendment and urging them to take a stand to avert it. They call this campaign Call-A-Thon As more and more people began calling the MPs directly, pressure started building up and now 2 MPs (Jay Panda and Sashi Tharoor) have committed to join the Call-A-Thon by calling their fellow MPs and urging them to take a prop-governance stand on the issue. The next phase of this campaign is to get 1 lakh people to sign a petition in 5 days to the Speaker of Lok Sabha urging her to send the bill to a standing committee. Please sign this petition and share this message with 10 of your friends. Please follow-up with them and request them to keep this chain going. While we celebrate our independence, let us take this small step to protect it. The petition is available at change.org/petitions/speaker-of-the-lok-sabha-shrimati-meira-kumar-send-the-rti-amendment-bill-2013-to-a-standing-committee-select-committee Suresh has been keeping a blog of his efforts at sureshe.wordpress/2013/08/14/day-xi-summary/ This is truly an inspirational effort.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 07:11:17 +0000

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