Happy #MartinLutherKing day .. 2 years ago when looking at schools - TopicsExpress


Happy #MartinLutherKing day .. 2 years ago when looking at schools to start kindergarten for Zev we went to a schools production of Hairspray , To my suprise SEAWEED was in the original role call.They decided to leave out the integration story line because it was to advanced .. I was not pleased the show was being performed by 4th and 5th graders. Needless to say We did not go to that school. Today Zev now in first grade asked me to help him write a book about MLK and said How lucky I was to be born in the 70s because the 60s was a very unfair time. He then filled me in on the Civil War and that places in the world are still unfair. He ended the story hoping there would be no homeless children , and that everyone would learn that where ever they lived its not okay to treat people badly because of what they look like or what the believe . SEAWEED would have been proud! And I know Zev is in the right school no matter how advanced the topic is our children can learn from our ancestors mistakes . HAPPY MLK DAY!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 02:03:47 +0000

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