Happy Monday ~ Counting down to TTT Orlando! :D Its Day 6 of the - TopicsExpress


Happy Monday ~ Counting down to TTT Orlando! :D Its Day 6 of the IP Over the Rainbow Marathon ~ Meet up here on the Club Wall for an all-day, come-and-go Chatfest to discuss the next to last chapter in the Infinite Possibilities companion workbook* to Mike Dooleys best-selling book, Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams. Todays discussion focuses on Chapter 6: FAITH AND THE MAGICAL UNIVERSE (pp. 63-71.) -=- Expect the Unexpected: The next time you visualize, include the Universe and its magic. Don’t just see yourself manipulating life; see the unexpected popping into your life and imagine the feelings you’d have after receiving some awesome curve balls from the Universe. Imagine fantastic coincidences and wonderful accidents happening in your dreamed-of circle of events that boost you further than you’d previously thought possible. Imagine receiving shockingly wonderful phone calls from complete strangers who are in a position to further your cause. Imagine telling friends of the miracle that happened to you the other day when you weren’t paying close attention. Imagine opening a letter from some unknown company and finding it filled with incredibly wonderful news. Include magic and surprises when you visualize! After all, it’s present in your every waking moment, every day of the week. Right? Dooley, Mike (2009-09-03). Magical Universe, Infinite Possibilities (p. 145). Atria Books/Beyond Words. Kindle Edition. -=- *Marathon Course Map, Race Info Packet and Goodie Bag* https://facebook/events/377260439112574/ Teaming up with our sister group, BE-Squared, to add a little over-the-rainbow excitement to this IP marathon run! facebook/groups/BE.Squared/ Course Lesson Reference: IP Lesson 1: THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS/E-CUBED EXPERIMENT #1 THE BOOGIE-WOOGIE COROLLARY (OR THE IMPORTANCE OF NOT BEING EARNEST) -- deadline is today. Post results here or on the corresponding E-Squared thread. https://facebook/groups/IPStudyClub/permalink/653054631471471/ IP Lesson 2: BELIEFS/E-CUBED EXPERIMENT #2 The RED PILL COROLLARY (/OR/ A QUICK REFRESHER COURSE): Life Emanates from Me -- in progress.https://facebook/groups/IPStudyClub/permalink/653549811421953/ IP Lesson 3: EMOTIONS/E-CUBED EXPERIMENT #3 THE SIMON COWELL COROLLARY (OR WHY YOU’RE NOT CAPABLE OF JUDGING ANYTHING) https://facebook/groups/IPStudyClub/permalink/654002904709977/ IP Lesson 4: TAKING ACTION/E-CUBED EXPERIMENT #4 THE “I’M LOVING AND I KNOW IT” COROLLARY (OR THERE IS NO “THEM”) https://facebook/groups/IPStudyClub/permalink/654438701333064/ IP Lesson 5: INSTINCTS AND HUNCHES, DREAMS AND DESIRES/E-CUBED EXPERIMENT #5 YOUR NEW B.F.F. COROLLARY (OR MONEY: ITS NOT COMPLICATED) https://facebook/groups/IPStudyClub/permalink/655006311276303/ IP Lesson 6: FAITH AND THE MAGICAL UNIVERSE/E-CUBED EXPERIMENT #6 THE NATURE VS. NEWS COROLLARY (/OR/) WHY YOU SHOULD REALLY GET OUT MORE) https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10203878444695535&set=gm.1491231291143390&type=1 Meme: My Job Is to Rule, Control, and Protect Myself from Nature Worldview 2.0: The Field of Infinite Potentiality Offers a Divine 24-7 Buzz. Grout, Pam (2014-09-16). E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments That Prove Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig (p. 153). Hay House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 16:14:48 +0000

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