Happy New Comic Book Day, folks! So What does - Nightwing have in - TopicsExpress


Happy New Comic Book Day, folks! So What does - Nightwing have in his bag of comic booky goodness? You guessed it! More Grayson! TWO issues of Grayson! Lets start this review in order of Release, shall we? Grayson Annual: #1 Although this was okay as a story, it was by no means spectacular. The story barely actually features Grayson and Helena but that wasnt my problem with it. My problem with it was that it didnt even feel that much like a Grayson comic or anything remotely related to the DC universe until they mention Gotham, Batman, and then the twist at the end (Which shall remain unspoken of for obvious reasons). I suppose what the writers were trying to do was make their version of the Batman: The Animated Series episode The Man Who Killed Batman. Where it barely shows the main character to see if people would function without them and would the mission still be doable (This is not a spoiler but what I Will say is that something similar to that episode happens). I did like that they decided to set the story where Im from; Dublin, Ireland, especially for their first publication of the new year. The setting was accurate enough to the point where I could say Hey, Ive been there. The landmarks were actually that accurate. However, the dialogue was way too stereotypical but it was by no means too offensive. Im sorry but this has to be said: We are not all drunks who hang around pubs and bars all day and we do NOT talk like Leprechauns, Im sorry, they do not exist. If anything, our lingo has become fairly Americanised apart from a few slang words here and there. They also referenced some Irish folk lore and it was just told.... wrong... very wrong. However, I will at least give Merit for spelling the names right. Now that the little rant is over, I can return to the review properly. The artwork has some of the best Ive seen is recent days. It was very Classic. It sort of has that fresh Jim Lee fell to it but at the same time maintained a sort of old-style Paul Dini atmosphere. One could say its a questionable mixture but it worked in my opinion. This issue is like a cup of black coffee; An acquired taste. If you like it? You Love it. If its not your thing? Youll probably detest it. I give this issue a fair 5.5/10 Now for Grayson #6 which was released just today: This review will be very short in contrast as I dont really have much to say about it. I will say this much though; This is the best issue of the series. This issue alone is better than Nightwing: Traps and Trapezes (Which takes a LOT for me to say as I love that book). This issue is the deciding factor of whether Dick Grayson has changed by donning a gun and SWAT gear. Just when you think that Dick Grayson cant develop further as a character, DC decides to surprise us. Lets face it, and I say this with the least amount of bias that I can (which bound to be a given, considering my Admin Tag) Richard Grayson is one of DCs most developed character in the course of time from the years he has existed. He was the Ward, the Partner, The Leader, The Lone Wolf, the Enforcer and even the successor for a time. Some could say that he has even been a father to Damian Wayne. From Robin to Nightwing, to Batman to Nightwing again, to Secret Agent/Mole. Although his persona is changable, Dick Grayson will Always be Dick Grayson. Batman was made to prove that if the man is destroyed, the symbol lives on. Richard Grayson has proven that even though the symbol has been broken or dissolved, the man still stays the same. This is the issue that shows that Dick Grayson is still Dick Grayson. The art style is a lot darker than the previous issue but it fits in with this story. The colour scheme is improving a lot this time round but I couldnt shake the feeling that there was something repetitive about it, however I was too enticed by the story to care. This issue gets a 10/10 for me. It certainly made up for the underwhelming Annual #1 A Must-Read for any fan of our favourite former Boy Wonder. - YouKnowWhoIAm*cough*Nightwing :3
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 19:15:12 +0000

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