Happy New Year! It has been one of my prayers since the first of - TopicsExpress


Happy New Year! It has been one of my prayers since the first of October that this page would achieve 300 likes by the end of the year, and we ended with 302. So to keep my word for a prayer answered here are my thoughts about NTCC. It is not important to list my name here just know I am not a staff member or a leader of the church. I am not a teacher of the Word, or a theologian, just a proud member who enjoy putting on devos. There is only one way to God and that is through Jesus Christ... Jesus Christ has only one church and we are just a small entity of that church. A small twig on a mighty Oak if you will. But this is OUR church and it is a church we should all be proud of. We have great leadership here. We have elders and deacon that work hard at a thankless job to make this church Biblical. A church that first century Christians who gave up everything to be a part of would be proud of. We have full time staff that has dedicated their lives to serving Jesus and to carry out his Great Commission. I encourage you on Sundays to seek out these folks and thank them for their service. We also have an amazing Pastor who is here because he cares about your soul. He may tell us things that are not popular in today’s American culture, he will try to get us out of our comfort zone, but he will never water down the Gospel to make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside and preach us into hell. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 4:3, for the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. We see a lot of this going on in America today but you will not hear that from Jason because he cares about your soul and where you will spend eternity. And finely this church is amazing because of you the members; you’re the glue that holds all this together. We weren’t called for a life of ease we are instructed at the end of Mathew to go out and make disciples. Being a member of a church is not like joining a country club where you have perks and are served, that is ok when you are an infant in the faith but as time pass we are supposed to mature and grow to be more Christ like and Jesus didn’t come to be served he came to serve. 2015 is going to be an amazing year for NTCC! Let our goal be “Each one reach one”. We all know at least one person that needs to come to Jesus. And the best way to reach them is to show the love of Jesus in us! God Bless!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 17:24:40 +0000

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