Happy New Year! We hope this post finds you all well and having - TopicsExpress


Happy New Year! We hope this post finds you all well and having enjoyed your holidays. Carter has been doing pretty good. He has had some really great days sprinkled in with a couple not so great ones. Overall though he has been doing good. So far sickness seems to have avoided our house and we are praising God for that!! Praying it continues that way for the foreseeable further. Not only do we want Carter healthy for surgery, but we need him healthy for recovery time too. Carter had an appointment with his nephrologist on Tuesday. Everything was looking good! His blood pressure is still a little elevated, but it seems to be on a trend down and we are always getting closer to our happy numbers :) We dropped off a urine sample at the lab that day too. His urologist and Infectious Disease doctor want to make sure he is going into surgery infection free. We totally agree. Hoping we hear tomorrow, because this evening his urine isnt looking that great. Praying that it isnt another infection, but if it is that we can catch it early enough to get him on something beforehand. Surgery is in 3 days. We check in at 7am and he will go to the OR at 9am. The anxiety has been heavy this week. I have been having some very frightening dreams and they have me uneasy. The anxiety is so thick right now and I would really appreciate your prayers. Dave and I have been seeking The Lord on this as well. I dont want it to consume or dictate any decisions that we make moving forward in Carters care. We are seeking wisdom right now and a peace. There has been a lot of grief surrounding our lives the last few years and I know that can be a trigger for an overwhelming fear in my life. I know though that God has Carter in the palm of his hands and he ultimately is in control. Continuing to trust in his plan, even when it hurts. As always thank you for lifting our family up. For supporting us and continuing to shower love on us. We are so blessed.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 04:47:15 +0000

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