Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2015 brings you every happiness! - TopicsExpress


Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2015 brings you every happiness! What better way to ensure happiness than a new book boyfriend? Untouched was released September 30, 2014 and the reviews, comments and support have been amazing! I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to allow Untouched to enter your hearts. For those who have not had the chance to read it, I certainly hope you will make plans to check it out. Below are just a few of the amazing comments from readers… “With Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, I had no time to read. I got home 11pm last night and stayed up all night reading Untouched. I couldnt put it down. I mean my eyelids were literally so heavy and closing and I squinted, drank coffee and washed my face with cold water to keep myself up to finish. It was fantastic. So much Id love to talk about. Being an aspiring writer myself I found many similar things in a short story I wrote. I loved it so much. My only issue is now I must wait for Touched to be released. Kudos and big thumbs up Ms. Author Lilly Wilde!” “Well what can I say Author Lilly Wilde, Ive just finished Untouched and I loved it! A great story that had me hooked from the start. I need an Aiden in my life NOW!! I couldnt put it down till Id finished it!” “Thank you so much I will forever cherish your book. You are a talented and amazing writer and I look forward to reading many more of your books. Thank you!!!!!” “Ive read a lot of books, many from this genre, 50Shades, Crossfire Series, This Man etc... and in a word this book is AMAZING. You immediately become invested in the characters and take this emotional roller coaster ride with them. I found this book to have more real life undertones than some of the others Ive read making the characters more relatable. It has been said that every story has been told, well that may be, but definitely not in this fashion. Its a must read!” “Author Lilly Wilde, I cant believe how you left us hanging. I am dying here. When does Touched come out? I cant wait!!! I was going to read Captivated By You but I cant yet. I need to reread Untouched.” “Author Lilly Wilde, OMG I am loving Untouched. I am 93% done but had to put it down to go to work. I am very upset with Aiden right now. I need to get home to finish it.” “Hadnt finished yet but almost there. Im really impressed with your writing. The small details you cover really paint a vivid picture of the characters. I agree with many of your readers...a woman can fall in love with Aiden. And one more side note…Im gonna need to be re-baptized after I finish reading this book. OMG. Im excited to recommend this book!” “Passion, love, need, hope. I finished reading it last night on my Kindle & I loved it. Bought me too tears in some parts & excited me in others. I can’t wait for the next book. u r a wonderful author Lilly xx” “Started Reading your book yesterday, cant put it down. Just at chapter six and in love. Girl you can write!!! Keep it up and youll be as famous as Sylvia Day. Hope youll still remember me then. Lots of luck with Touched. I cant wait to read it!!” “Wow, just wow!!!!!!! Just finished and oh my. Bring on the next installment. Hurry!!!” “I really want to leave work and go home and just read. I havent felt that way about a book since Crossfire. You rock !!!!” “I just finished Untouched and I have to say OMG I LOVE IT I laughed, cried, loved all of it I cant wait for the next one” “I want an elevator, where can I find an elevator??!!!!! What is with elevators? Girl youre killing me! Ill probably be on the Americas most wanted for attacking random men in elevators.” “I finished Untouched around 2:30 this morning. All I can say is OMG!! This book was AMAZING! I cannot wait for 2&3. — feeling excited.” “I fell in love with Aria because I can relate to her being single and putting a wall up. I felt emotional. I give it 10 stars!” “Already in withdrawal as I just finished it. There are some parallels between Aria and myself (other than what Ive already disclosed)...it is scary. Feeling like some parts of myself are exposed for all to see... Eagerly awaiting Touched...it cannot come any sooner...” “OMG! Aria really resonated with me in more ways than I thought a character would. I just finished and I was in tears. Im an Aiden/Aria shipper! I do hope the continuation comes soon...already feeling the need for the next part of this story.” This book will make you want to jump inside the pages!!! Get your copy today on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, ITunes or Smashwords! Go to lillywilde and click on the BOOK ORDERS tab for links to the books or just go to any of the sites above and search for Lilly Wilde Untouched and it comes right up! And if you don’t wish to search, Im posting the book links below for your convenience! Happy reading! Amazon: amazon/Untouched-Trilogy-Book-1-ebook/dp/B00NN3TTFI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1411038737&sr=8-1&keywords=untouched+lilly+wilde Amazon UK:amazon.co.uk/Untouched-Trilogy-Book-1-ebook/dp/B00NN3TTFI Amazon AU:amazon.au/gp/product/B00NN3TTFI?*Version*=1&*entries*=0 iTunes:https://itunes.apple/us/book/x/id920330949 Barnes and Noble:barnesandnoble/w/untouched-lilly-wilde/1120374762?ean=2940046178364 Kobo: store.kobobooks/en-US/ebook/untouched-16 Smashwords:https://smashwords/books For all updates on the UNTOUCHED trilogy, follow Lilly Wilde on Twitter: https://twitter/authorlilly on Goodreads @ https://goodreads/author/show/8577407.Lilly_Wilde also like Lilly Wilde on Facebook at: https://m.facebook/profile.php?id=573464816060979 #lillywildeuntouched #wildelillies lillywilde
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:03:56 +0000

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