Happy New Year everyone! Its hard to believe it was 2 years ago - TopicsExpress


Happy New Year everyone! Its hard to believe it was 2 years ago that Karis was in the hospital bringing in 2013 with her 2nd round of chemo to treat 3 brain tumors and spinal metastasis. Yet here we are and we are not going to live life waiting for cancer to come back! Karis looked at me and said, Well, yea, cause its not coming back! Lol. Love her spirit. We plan on enjoying another cancer free year and continuing to work on Karis bucket list. Going to New York for New Years is at the top of her list! She was pretty jealous of her cousin Shawn when she saw where he was for New Years. Im sure you can guess and if not, check out the pictures. :) She sent him a picture of a very sad face. Kyle and I met with Dr. Othman on Tuesday to review the scans. The radiology report was great, but the pictures were even better. Karis really did take some beautiful pictures. :) Now the plan is to remove her infusaport, continue with MRIs every 3 months, lumbar punctures, follow ups with ENT, her eye doctor, OT, neuropsych and endocrinology. Whew! I think I got everything. The holidays sure have been busy, but wonderful. Kyle and I survived having 3 kiddos performing in the Nutcracker. It was a beautiful performance, which showed the expertise and vision of Kansas Ballet Academys directors, Stephanie Heston and Alexander Smirnov. We stayed in town to relax some and just enjoy our time with each other. We made it to midnight mass and the girls did pretty well. It worked out great cause they slept in Christmas morning, which meant Kyle and I did too! They are getting a little too used to sleeping in and have been asking when they go back to school. The break has went fast. After presents and lounging around in our pjs most of the day, we decided to be a little untraditional this Christmas and went out for Chinese. Guess watching the Christmas Story all day inspired us. Lol. We did make it over to my sister Alecias to spend time with close friends and family for awhile. Karis and her sisters enjoyed all the sweet Christmas Cards and thoughtful gifts sent their way. I wasnt very good with getting all my Christmas cards out this year and even forgot to at least post one for everyone. Sorry Im so late, but here it is. We really hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas that will continue into the New Year. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are missing a loved one or suffered during these times. John 11:23-26 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 06:03:52 +0000

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