Happy New Year to everyone! Our prayer is that God will make your - TopicsExpress


Happy New Year to everyone! Our prayer is that God will make your 2015 the most blessed year of your life! Time for another installment of teaching before the testimony of the deliverance, so lets get right at it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 17 – INTO THE ABYSS As far as deliverance ministry is concerned, here is what I have learned. When I cast unclean spirits out, I always send them to the Abyss, which is apparently a black hole either at the center of our planet or somewhere just outside our atmosphere, where all of the unclean spirits that fell before the Flood are currently incarcerated, along with their demonic boss, Apollyon or Abbadon, the Destroyer. When Jesus encountered the Gadarean Demoniac, the demons, along with their local boss, Legion, begged Jesus not to send them into the Abyss, because they knew good and well that if He put them there, THERE WAS NO ESCAPE UNTIL REVELATION CHAPTER 9, when the Abyss is finally opened. In other words, WHEN AN UNCLEAN SPIRIT IS CONSIGNED TO THE ABYSS, THERE IS NO WAY FOR IT TO EVER INHABIT A NEW HOST AGAIN. At Gadara, the demons talked Jesus into sending them into the pigs, 6,000 demons into 2,000 pigs, 3 demons to a pig. Jesus did not realize what their scheme was because at that point He was operating totally as a man filled with the Holy Spirit and He had to grow in wisdom, stature and favor with God (the Father) and man. He didn’t know what they were up to. But as soon as they were transferred out of the man and into the pigs, they immediately took over their new hosts and drove them off a precipice and down to their deaths. With the deaths of their inferior, animal hosts, these 6,000 demons WERE ONCE AGAIN FREE TO SEEK OUT AND INFEST HUMAN HOSTS, FAR SUPERIOR TO THAT OF AN ANIMAL. I’d be willing to bet that at the end of that day, Jesus sat down privately and said to Himself, “I’ll never do THAT again!!!” If you are operating in a deliverance ministry, these are my two recommendations to you from over 30 years in the business. First, when you cast unclean spirits out of a person, don’t just evict them. REINCARCERATE THEM IN THE ABYSS. There’s no sense in allowing these creeps to go out and torment new human hosts, or, worse yet, to return to the host that they were already comfortably camped in. Second, make darned sure that the former host is FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT immediately after the eviction. If the bums were somehow to return anyway, if the “House” is FILLED IN EVERY ROOM, there will be no point of entry for them to come back in. And, while we’re at it, it is precisely because THERE ARE UNSURRENDERED PORTIONS OF MOST CHRISTIAN’S LIVES, THAT THOSE EMPTY “ROOMS” ARE OPEN CANDIDATES FOR DEMONIC OCCUPANCY. As to those who loudly trumpet that since they are Born Again and supposedly FILLED with the Holy Spirit, I only point out the fact that if THE ACTIONS YOU TAKE ARE UNHOLY, then you are NOT FILLED with the HOLY Spirit, but that somewhere in your life or flesh, you have a dirty, nasty little Gollum-like thing creeping and crawling around in the darkness and that little thing from time to time emerges and takes over your life, wrecking everything you do. Once it has done its dirty work it then creeps back into the shadows to gloat over its “Precious”, your immortal soul. In fact, my own experience has been that the more loudly individuals proclaim that they CAN’T have an unclean spirit, the more certain it is that they DO have an unclean spirit that is subtly exercising control over their mind and blinding them to the fact that they are dumb cattle on the way to slaughter and unaware vehicles being driven back and forth. Sorry I had to take so long on that subject, but it is one of the most misunderstood topics in Spirit-filled ministry and a great source of heartache and disaster if the person trying to operate in it doesn’t know what they are doing. The enemy doesn’t care if you have no clue about what you are doing. In fact, he delights in your ignorance because it frees him to do even more damage. Finally, one closing caution. DO NOT ATTEMPT DELIVERANCE MINISTRY UNLESS YOU YOURSELF ARE ALREADY FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT AND PRAYED AND FASTED UP AND READY TO DO BATTLE. Even though these primitive, elemental spirits don’t have much power, they still have more power than an unanointed or unsaved human being. I know that the Bible says that “He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world”. That’s true, but ONLY if you amplify and build up the Holy Ghost in you through praying in the Spirit, meditating on the Word, worshipping in His presence and doing all the things that are required to upgrade your internal power rating. Then, once you are in spiritual shape and ready to go out on the field, you can go in His anointing and with full assurance of the victory. But even then, don’t get cocky. Years ago when we first started in deliverance ministry, we were kicking demons out left and right and I was feeling pretty good about myself. I even got a little TOO sure of myself and so the Lord allowed the enemy to bring something against me that I had never even known existed. You know that Paul talks about the demonic offices of Principality and Power, right? Well, I had never run into one. There aren’t a lot of them. They are like warlords, overseeing large territories and they have power levels far above the rank and file imps. Early one Saturday morning about 7:00, I lay in the bed half awake when suddenly I was aware that SOMETHING had just positioned itself over the church where I and my family were living. It had the sense of being like a blimp or dirigible, huge, blocking out the sun. AND FOR THE NEXT THREE DAYS IT WAS EVERYTHING I COULD DO TO KEEP MYSELF FROM TAKING MY OWN LIFE. The enemy had sent a Principality or Power against me to try and kill me. Only the grace of God prevented him from doing so but I had to fall on my face before the Lord, repent of my arrogance and plead for His forgiveness and protection. The Word of God says that FIRST we must submit to the Lord and THEN AND ONLY THEN can we resist the devil. Nobody can successfully fight a war on two fronts. You can’t fight both God and the devil at the same time. Trust me, friends, it just won’t work. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Wow! More strong words from Pastor Ray! Hard to swallow? Want me to go back to milk and tell you for the umteetnth time how much the Lord loves you and that He would NEVER let you scratch your little knees or hurt your fingers in the cause of the Kingdom or would you rather KNOW THE ACTUAL TRUTH SO THAT YOU CAN GROW UP AND BE A REAL MAN OR WOMAN OF GOD, ABLE TO BRING THE FIGHT TO THE DEVIL AND TEAR DOWN THE GATES OF HELL??? Actually, the choice of what IM going to say isnt yours. As a true prophet of God, my job is to tell you what you NEED to hear, not what you WANT to hear. The only choice is yours, dear friend. Will you open your ears and listen to what God is saying or not? Lets face it, a person who is deaf, dumb and blind isnt going to be able to defend themselves very well in a fight. And a Christian who has closed their ears and their eyes, shut their mouths and is pretending that everything is OK when it isnt certainly isnt much use to the Lord in the fight against, sin, sickness, disease, demonic oppression and possession and death. Give me MEN and WOMEN who are willing to grow up, mature, pick up a few battle scars from the fight and carry the battle to the very gates of Hell itself! If you want a challenge in this coming year, how about that one? Are you willing to become one of the few who are willing to walk as a perfect man, in the fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ? Until tomorrow, when the rest of your life begins to unfold, may God richly bless you as you walk in faith and obedience to Him! Amen and Amen!!!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 15:35:40 +0000

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