Happy New You! 6 Key Fundamentals For Successful Transition to - TopicsExpress


Happy New You! 6 Key Fundamentals For Successful Transition to The High-Carb and Low Fat Raw Vegan Diet: If you are doing a high-fruit raw vegan diet, then it shows that you are someone who really cares about health and is willing to go that extra mile. Yes, eating a low fat raw vegan diet is a superb thing to do for your health and well-being, but are you aware of the finer details that can make a big difference to your success or failure on this lifestyle? Lets have a look at 6 areas of your life that you really need to be paying close attention to. Any imbalance in just one of these vital areas and you could find yourself up against it and struggling to achieve the lifestyle you truly desire. 1. The High-Carb and Low Fat Raw Vegan Diet Eating a fruit-based and low-fat raw vegan diet, as well as exercising regularly, has a multitude of health benefits. Not only are you eating health supporting foods, you are at the same time cutting out all the toxin and disease- forming foods that you would have consumed over a lifetime. Just some of the benefits of a low-fat raw vegan diet include: • Detoxifies your body for life • Helps you achieve your natural weight • Reverses your diseases and restores your health • Makes you feel and look your best • Gives you bundles of energy 2. Exercise Exercising plays many important roles with regards to your health. Aim to do some form of strenuous exercise before you have your first meal of the day. Not only will you feel better for this, but when you eat your breakfast you will savour it all the more as your body desires the calories you have already burnt with your morning exercise. Knowing the benefits that you can obtain from physical activity can certainly help spur you on towards wanting to become fitter, and here are some of those great benefits: • Weight control: Lose excess weight or maintain the weight that you have, as physical activity burns the calories that could otherwise end up being deposited as fat on your body. • Improved health and illness prevention: Along with a healthy diet, physical activity can not only boost your resistance to infection and so help stave off illnesses, but also improve your overall bodily health, which can mean among many other things, an improved cardiovascular system, more oxygen to your body’s cells and a more efficient lymph system. • Positive mental state: The is no better way than to work up a sweat and notice the feel good factor after you have done some strenuous exercise. Going for a brisk 30-minute walk or doing a fitness workout can make a big difference, and even more so if you do what is called ‘anaerobic exercise’. This means you are breathing hard, while exercising as your body tries to get more oxygen to its cells. This is when your body produces endorphins, which are a natural feel good chemical, and produce what can be termed as a sense of euphoria in the exerciser. Anyone who suffers from depression can benefit from exercise. 3. Proper Hydration You need to make sure that you always drink enough healthy water to keep yourself properly hydrated. To make sure just follow these simple steps: • Make sure you pass water between 8-12 times every day • Drink 2 – 3 litres of water every day • Make sure your urine is colourless and not dark green or yellow. If it is, drink more water Failure to hydrate yourself properly will place your body under unnecessary stress and can lead to a lowering in vitality levels, so increasing the chances of illness and disease. 4. Sleep If you are transitioning and/or going through a detox then your body may need more rest but in general at least 8 hours of sleep is recommended (some people may find that they need more than 8 hours). Sleep is a vital time of recuperation for our whole body that allows you to replenish your depleted energy levels. Other very important factors to obtaining a good-night’s sleep include: • No noise • A completely dark room, so no chinks in the curtains or lights left on • Make sure you get into bed before 10pm as not only should you feel more refreshed the following morning you will be up earlier and able to make even more use of the day ahead Undereating on carbohydrates, eating heavy evening meals less than 2-3 hours before going to bed, over-working, under-exercising, watching television or using computers late at night, and not taking time to relax before going to bed, will all affect the quality of your sleep and may cause insomnia and unpleasant dreams. 5. Sunshine Sunlight aids food digestion and nutrient assimilation (especially calcium), creates vitamin D, promotes healthy functioning of the glandular and nervous systems, rejuvenates the skin, and detoxifies the body. People feel, think and behave differently when they receive sufficient amounts of sunlight. Ensure that you receive enough sun during the summer months to “stock up” on vitamin D for the coming winter months and monitor your levels of vitamin D on a regular basis. 6. Relaxation for emotional and mental balance Regardless of how healthy your diet is and how much you exercise, if you are stressed - you will be loosing your vital energy. You will also find yourself in an unbalanced mental and emotional state. The practice of deep relaxation, which includes techniques such as deep breathing and meditation, is something well known for its positive health benefits. Adopting a relaxation technique that works for you on a regular basis has many positive well-being outcomes, including: • Reduced anxiety and stress • Lowered muscle tension • More efficient natural detox • Improved overall health Start practicing relaxation as part of your daily routine today! Firstly find a comfortable, quiet place and either sit down or lie down on something comfy. Now begin inhaling very slowly for a count of 8 and then exhale slowly for a count of 10. Repeat 10 times in the morning and in the evening, as well as whenever you need to calm and centre yourself during the day. If you have never practised any relaxation techniques before, you will soon come to appreciate the positive effects they have on you, and will want to make it a permanent addition to your daily routine. Of course, there are many other factors that affect your well-being, such as clean air, nurturing relationships and a positive outlook on life, however, in this article we wanted to cover the key basic factors that can help you to succeed on a raw lifestyle. Remember that the magical key to health and success is repetition and consistency, so choose to adopt the practices that will help you to create the level of health you have always been dreaming about. Let healthy eating and healthy living be your lifelong mantra. Yours in rawsome health, Paul and Yulia Tarbath Ps: Would like to receive professional and confidential one-on-one support that can help you create a raw food lifestyle program that will lead you to superior health? If so, we are happy to offer you our coaching support. For further information, please click here: tinyurl/d8l38n3 Follow and like us on Facebook | Follow us on Twitter | Watch us on YouTube | Forward to a friend Copyright © 2012 by Rawsomehealthy, All rights reserved. Our email address is: info@rawsomehealthy
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:50:50 +0000

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