Happy Sabbath All…wish you all be blessed and have an - TopicsExpress


Happy Sabbath All…wish you all be blessed and have an enormous Sabbath. Sabbath devotional How Are The Scriptures Revealed, And Properly Interpreted? Said Jesus: Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that it shall be opened. (Matt. 7:7, 8.) One of the chief reasons why confusion arises among Bible students is because they do not entirely depend on the Biblical expression of the words. They think themselves wiser than the prophets who were inspired with the Spirit of God, and thus wish to correct the words and meaning of the Holy Bible! Hence finite mortals have attempted to rectify and correct the Infinite One, whose wisdom, power, and vision is unsearchable! Though they know their interpretation of a text is not altogether in harmony with the whole tenor of the book and law, they see no injury, and fear not God. And when the fact is revealed they refuse to exchange error for truth because it contradicts their false theology. There could be nothing more pleasing to God than for one of His children to ask in faith the way of truth. If there is any power in the words of Jesus, then surely he who desires to know the truth and is willing to obey it, though it may demand that he sell all and give to the poor, renounce the world and all its inducements, it would be impossible for that soul to remain in darkness. Let the searcher after truth make just such a vow to God and thus try out His power and never failing promises through the words of His Son. But though it be possible to deceive men, we can never impose upon God, for He knows what is in the heart. Shepherds Rod book, Vol. 2 17 Analysis of ancient and modern history, both sacred and secular, prove that sealed, or prophetic truth has never been revealed through the educational system of the world, or by the wisdom of man, but only by the power of God. If anything is true, it is this one thing. Said Jesus: When He, the Spirit of Truth, is Come, He will guide you into all truth. (John 16:13.) Christ plainly declares, that we are led into truth, not by wisdom of man but by the Spirit of God. Not into some truth, but in all truth. When God reveals truth, He is able to lead His servants in all truth, and does not allow such instruments to mix His truth with error. Though they may not understand all, yet the message they bear is the truth and nothing but the truth. Therefore, such truths are originally revealed by inspiration only. When the time divinely appointed is fulfilled, then God calls servants of His own choice, and by the Spirit of Truth reveals a portion of His Word to them. Usually in the form of a message which they must first bear to the church. By the same power God moved upon His numerous servants, the prophets, each writing a portion of the Bible, and when compiled it made a complete book, dealing with one main subject - salvation in Christ. Though some of these writers lived hundreds of years apart, yet each portion of Scripture perfectly harmonizes, one throwing light upon another. Thus it proves that God was the overseer of the Scriptures and skillfully led His servants in all truth. Shepherds Rod book, Vol. 2 12
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:28:17 +0000

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