Happy Saint Crispins Day! This speech given by Kenneth Branagh - TopicsExpress


Happy Saint Crispins Day! This speech given by Kenneth Branagh is one of the most inspiring performances given in any film. Sorry Braveheart fans. But I feel this speech leaves Mr. Gibson in the dust. One interesting historical note. When captured by the French, the archers index and middle fingers were cut off. This was so that the British archers couldnt use there long bows. As a result before battle, as the 2 sides faced each other, the archers not so mutilated would hold up the 2 fingers. Im sure the punks and skins reading this knows what that looks like. All things are ready when our minds be so. That can be true but it helps if you plant sharpened stakes into the ground angled towards the horsemen racing towards you. It was this tactic that turned the tide. And outnumbered 5 to 1 Henrys army was victorious. I must confess that the first time I saw this, at about 2-minutes in I shed a tear.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 16:23:05 +0000

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