Happy Solstice New Moon! Our Sun shifts from Sagittarius (we - TopicsExpress


Happy Solstice New Moon! Our Sun shifts from Sagittarius (we see the goal, taking aim with fiery hearted aspiration)) into Capricorn (the door stands wide and is ever open). With fixed and focussed intent (we see the goal), we each begin to initiate steps along the path of discovering the worthlessness of getting ahead. Our desire for a better world is taking the place of worldly ambition. We seek to serve and not exact due service. A Solstice occurs at 6:03 pm EST, when our Sun shifts into Capricorn (the door stands wide open in pressing forward toward a life of fuller service). Our Moon, as if helping us to prepare to work with the energies of the Solstice, goes void of course from 7:35 am to 8:25 pm EST, inclining us to recollect ourselves inwardly (let us light a candle today with intention: We know, O Lord of Life and Love about the need. Touch our hearts anew with Love so that we, too, may love and give.). A New Moon occurs at 8:36 pm EST when our Moon joins our Sun at 0.06 degrees Capricorn, giving us the opportunity to link up in consciousness with all those around the planet who work to serve and not exact due service, strengthening their hands. We love them. A special time. A Solstice New Moon (with the Moon being void most of the day). Let us each have time to light a candle and to recollect ourselves as if on the bench with our inner coach, seeking to serve (a soul impulse) ... staying still as a soul. Let us honor the Solstice (Sol/Sun/Soul .. stice (staying still)). Let us link up in consciousness with all those around the planet who seek to serve, strengthening their hands as they, too, press forward toward a life of fuller service. There is a power that is growing between and among us. It lives and moves in each of us. We are just beginning to recognize that power ... it is a power that can make all things new ... with a Love to all and for all.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 11:39:58 +0000

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