Happy Spring Equinox aka Astrological New Year. As we enter the - TopicsExpress


Happy Spring Equinox aka Astrological New Year. As we enter the sunrise (Aries) and exit endings (Pisces), let us enjoy this BURST of energy today where death becomes life. Think about that- that spark- that moment where winter becomes spring and the energy needed to do so. Its a miracle. Let the new cycle begin for all of us as we begin to enjoy the new life we have created by hopefully doing the work of releasing all that did not serve our higher expression of self the last few months of winter. Woo hoo! The sunset is gone, and the dark night before dawn. The sunrise is here and its time to move ON. Rock on, spirit family and friends. (Thank you Täri Lynn Pacifico ) _________________________________ I took that BURST on energy and spark VERY seriously.. and set my dads house on fire. FIRST time i had ever had to call 911 At least the firemen were HOT too Like one dude.. BEYOND George Clooney Hotness Level. And I had JUST gotten back from the most Blissful Walk.. Like where I was seeing colors like i was on acid, but NOT on acid.. A bird with a red chest siting on the very pinnacle of this tree.. and windchimes chiming somewhere unseen in the background.. a rainbow in sky.. and suddenly his red chest started expanding and glowing.. bursiting into the shape of a heart WHILE he was serenading me.... i just sat down in the middle of the street and reveled in this otherwordly amazing experience..thinking to myself WOW . it IS possible to live in BLISS ALL THE TIME then i went home. turned on burner to heat up soup (accidentally leaving a plastic lid out on burner as wel :-0 l ) and went to the computer to write a message to Michael to describe the surreal experience i had just had.. and my first word was OMG... . At which point the fire alalrm went off and i turned around and saw huge flames engulfing the kitchen... SO YEAHHHHH... HAPPY EQUINOX
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 02:48:28 +0000

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