Happy Sunday! My name is Jim and welcome to my page. I would - TopicsExpress


Happy Sunday! My name is Jim and welcome to my page. I would like to thank all of the new people who have stopped by my page and let you know I am very happy you did. My goal here is to help motivate you to be the person you sometimes dream about. We all want to be in better shape and drop that unwanted extra weight and be more active in our daily life. Some would like a better home and a nice car and more money to live a more comfortable lifestyle. These are simple things that many already have and we all want to be like them. You might think those people got everything handed to them or inherited it but they probably just do things that successful people do, and they stick to a plan every day and do not get off course. They have goals with a vision to make it happen. They get up early and go to bed late to use every minute of the day. They work hard at their jobs and do the extra work to move up the ladder. They work out every day and push their bodies to the limit to have the energy to accomplish what they set out to do during the day. They are disciplined in all areas of their lives. They save money to be able to go on nice vacations and set up a few relaxing three and four day weekend trips. They are just like you and me! Are They? They are driven to make their lives better and have goals in place with deadlines to make them happen. And when they reach a goal they set another one so they are constantly moving in the right direction. This is something everyone can do, and it starts with setting some goals. Today just think about those things in life you want to do or have and write them down on paper. Set up a plan of action and get started today. Even if it is just setting up the steps to start, that is taking action. Do something every day to make it real and don’t get off course. Then set a deadline for accomplishing your goals and envision what you will feel like and what you will be able to do and what people will think about you. Soak it all in and write about those good feelings every day and it will help you to move ahead even faster. This is not rocket science; it is doing what you have to do to live a life of your dreams. Get started to day and let me know if you would like help in setting up a plan. Let’s do this together and hold each other accountable. Want to have more passion for life, then just Do It!! Have a Wonderful and Healthy Day!!!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 13:15:44 +0000

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