Happy Thanksgiving Eve, team Grey! I am currently sitting here - TopicsExpress


Happy Thanksgiving Eve, team Grey! I am currently sitting here in a dark living room lit only by the Christmas tree... Truly this is the moment in the day that I anticipate, time to be alone with my thoughts... Time to process events of the day. I sit here tonight so very aware of just how abundantly blessed my life is and it overwhelms me. I was told recently that I shouldnt brag about my blessings... But tonight my friends, I am going to brag... Not out of pride... But out of gratitude. Why? Because I will be the first to tell you, that none of the blessings poured out on my life are the result of anything I have done. I have not earned them. I did not work for them. They are God given and I brag only of the grace that God chooses to show our family. Do we have the biggest and best of everything? Absolutely not. Our family lives on the salary of my husband alone who works as a Corrections Officer. But we do have a nice home that is warm, comfortable and filled with all of our needs and so many of our wants. Our home is filled with the amazing gift that is this family... Three beautiful boys, two parents who love those boys more than life itself... And even two crazy dogs that add to the love and laughter within these walls. I have the gift of living next door to my parents, who are our friends, our supporters, our counselors, our emergency baby sitters when Greys health sends us out on the two hour trip to the hospital... My parents are an undeserved blessing in our lives and though we dont always agree on everything... My life is complete because they are such an intricate part of it. I could not imagine this journey without them. Certainly, we cannot look at our boys without being absolutely overwhelmed with gratitude. Michael, our oldest is the picture of health. Though small in stature, his gentle, loving spirit fills a room... Wise beyond his years, he is a treasured gift to my life. Ty, born 10 weeks too soon, struggled in. The NICU for 7 weeks... We cannot deny Gods grace as we walked out of that NICU with a happy healthy boy. So very different from his brothers, he is outgoing, and opinionated and very vocal. He keeps us guessing as to what he will say next and brings laughter to this home. My Tiny Ty is unique, loving, incredibly helpful and just an amazing little man. Then of course... Our Greysen. Can we possibly look into the eyes of this boy without falling to our knees... Overwhelming gratitude for the blessing that is this child. A baby given when I needed him most, struggled with health throughout infancy, but in true Greysen fashion, conquered every challenge. Then the moment that stopped our world... Inoperable brain tumor. But stability continues to baffle his team of Drs and we are humbled and overwhelmed that God is holding our son and our family. Because of his challenges, Greysen is so incredibly unique. Wishes beyond his years... An old soul inside a tiny little body. There is a humility and grace that he carries with him through each day... Compassionate and thoughtful, one to help, one to fix, one to offer comfort. He teaches me more about myself than I ever knew... What a gift this little life is to my own, for he literally saved me from myself. God knew what he was doing when he gave me this child... Grace Sent Greysen to this world to touch it, to touch others, to leave a beautiful mark upon it... My life is not perfect. We struggle, we hurt, challenges come and some come and stay... We face every single moment with the elephant in the room that is Greysens health... But... We face every single moment with Greysen!!! We still have him, we still get to hold him, kiss him, tuck him in at night. So do we look at the challenge or the blessing? I choose to not waste precious time looking at the challenges, but to focus in on the amazing blessings DESPITE the challenges. God is here, holding our family, blessing us as He grows us and I am grateful. Feeling abundantly blessed to live this life, to have the family and friends that we have... And to have all of you. Those that are so incredibly faithful to supporting and praying for our son... Overwhelming gratitude. Be blessed, team Grey. ~Lesley~ (Posted via mobile because my desktop keyboard isnt working so please excuse typos!) LoL
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 04:03:34 +0000

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