Happy Thanksgiving! Taking a little (or a lot of) time today to - TopicsExpress


Happy Thanksgiving! Taking a little (or a lot of) time today to reflect on what we appreciate and are grateful for in our lives is a really great way to start the holidays. I have so much to be grateful for: my husband, my daughters, family, friends (human, furry and leafy!), this gorgeous New Mexico day, green chile, dinner with folks we love............and a big thank you to the amazing abundance all around us. In reflecting on that, our Hopi red amaranth comes to mind. We started planting it about six years ago as part of a quest to find native plants that thrive in this high altitude desert - and boy does it thrive! That first year I was struck by this amaranths zest for life! It burst forth and grew happily and tall when other plants were struggling. We ate the new leaves in our salads, cooked the greens, and harvested the seed to give our breads and polenta a hearty protein boost. Then we left the towering trees still full of beautiful bushy seedheads for the many birds. We have never had to replant the red amaranth. It happily reseeds everywhere and I mean everywhere! I suppose this could be a problem, but we gratefully eat our way through the sprouting plants and what we dont eat the chickens get. Truly a wonderful example of the abundance of the earth! How amazing what can happen from such a tiny tiny seed! Thank you thank you thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 17:39:36 +0000

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