Happy Thanksgiving everyone! For us we have so much to be - TopicsExpress


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! For us we have so much to be thankful for this year... but we also have been doing alot of reflection. Thinking of where we were, what we have endured and where we hope to be again,. All those thoughts are emotional to say the least... and even though they are hard... i think its important to sometimes look back and see the changes that have occurred. For us... as we look back to this time last year; a well of emotions happen... This time last year we had family close to us, we were in a position for our day care to grown and from a financial aspect all of our ducks were finally in a row, we had a full house with the day care, the addition was scheduled to be removed and we had a replacement addition on the horizon. Cookies were more of a behind the scenes activity and used to decompress after a long day. Bridgette was active and trouble in the best of ways. For all intents and purposes; we were blessed and had more than we could ever need. We felt confident we had clients, friends and family that were amazing tried and true. Things change... and not all change is bad. The day care is no longer full of those familiar faces we thought would never leave, the holidays are now smaller and consist of just our household, Bridgette is still lively but has endured far more than I ever thought... we all have. At every turn when we thought we could take no more... that we could ask no more from her... we did... and amazingly Bridgette endured with a smile and a giggle showing us, what was truly important. It wasnt how we no longer have more than we need...it was about we were blessed to have just enough of what we needed. Wiether it be money for bills, food for the fridge, new amazing friends to provide support, clients to purchase cookies and so much more... sometimes less of something really means more. Our cup runs over this holiday. We have more support and love from people we have never even met... and it always comes when we need it most. We have our childrens health; is it an easy road? No. Is it over? No... but we are thankful that each day is better than the last. I no longer look back and missing my mom during this time... I feel with my hole heart she was taken from us because she was needed to help Bridgette in a way she would not be able to if she stayed with us here. Sometimes its all about perspective. I recently had the privilege of meeting an amazing family; one who is the reason we will even have a Thanksgiving feast. A family who has overcome far more than us... and yet they give. When we met, I told them... sometime the measure of your wealth has nothing to do with how much money you have. A year ago... we by all rights had more then we do to this day... BUT today we stand here far far richer. Cancer is not winning... Bridgette is showing it who is boss... it clearly didnt know who it was messing with. My mom used to say... the tenacity I had was from being a Bomar; I think that is definitely true in Bridgette also. We are rich with love; from people all over the world... and luv is far more valuable then traditional riches. This thanksgiving we are thankful for YOU... for you keeping us strong... for your prayers... for your faith and hope for our baby. For you believing with your whole heart she will prevale. I went back and looked for photos of Bridgette before all of this... not to reflect on what is no longer here... but to remember the spirit and luv that we will once again have. Bridgette is officially on maintance, gradually her clinic visits will lessen and we will start to find yet another new normal; I am terrified but at the same time, when have i not been? She continues to amaze me everyday... as does my whole family. Bridgette handles so much, and does it with a smile... as you look at photos attached even when she looks her worst... she has a smile. Brody is the most amazing big brother and I feel so blessed to have him be my son... and I truly love the relationship my children have. Brooke I always knew was strong, but this past ten months she carried so much of our stress and stepped up to support us in ways no one else could; without her strength and hope we would not have continued to push threw. There are no words to describe how amazing my husband is... truly... we have a connection and bond that are unlike any other... we can be ourselves; sad, scared, angry... crazy ... and know it will be ok. Thru all the changes in our family... he is my center. I am so incredibly thankful for him and all he has given me in the last 13 years and the last ten months. Together we have overcome so much... and neither of us could have without the support of the other. So... with all that rambling... know this... new friends, old friends, new family, old family.... people who know us only thru here, people who we interact with on a regular basis, people who we dont see but know you are there.... we are thankful for you all. Hug your babies... kiss your spouse... embrace each day.... take a moment to stop.. and enjoy those around you... in honor of my mom and Is favorite movie... I leave my ramblings with this quote life moves pretty fast, if you dont stop and look around once and a while you could miss it -Ferris
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:57:48 +0000

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