Happy Thanksgiving to the strongest families we know. We love you - TopicsExpress


Happy Thanksgiving to the strongest families we know. We love you and stand by you always…. By Alicia Hart If you meet a third cousin twice removed who is hiding in your grandmas closet with an iPad...Dont be a jerk and say, Why wont little Johnny come out and sit on my lap? Doesnt he KNOW WE ARE FAMILY? Instead, realize that there are 47 people crammed into a 1700 square foot house and for some people, this is REALLY FREAKING OVERWHELMING. If you meet a person who doesnt seem to talk...Dont be a jerk and say, Whats wrong with him? Why doesnt he talk? Instead, realize that everyone develops at their OWN FREAKING PACE, and yes, some people communicate in OTHER FREAKING WAYS. And oh, I dont know, maybe ASK if you can learn a sign or understand more about that communication device the person is using. If you meet a child who starts crying the second their left foot crosses the threshold of your well decorated holiday home...Dont be a jerk and say, Why is your daughter ALWAYS crying? Whats wrong with her? You spoil her too much, thats the problem! Instead, realize that the smell of thirteen casseroles, a turkey, and two different types of stuffing is REALLY FREAKING OVERWHELMING and those two vanilla and spice candles you just lit arent helping. If you introduce yourself to a cousin youve just met and he tries to run away from you...Dont be a jerk and get your cousins to hold him still so you can hug the ever living crap out of him. Instead, realize that touch is REALLY FREAKING OVERWHELMING for some people and that you and fourteen people in this kids face does NOTHING to help the situation. If you meet a child who is repeating lines from Spongebob or Thomas the Tank Engine...Dont be a jerk and say, Why doesnt he know how to talk like normal people? Instead, smile and say, You know, I heard that is a great show. And then listen and smile. Not everyone loves small talk and not everyone can handle 22 conversations all happening at full volume in a house the size a large Buick. If you meet a child who uses a wheelchair, walker, communication device, or ...Dont be a jerk and put your super pity face on and say, Oh you poor kid, Im so sorry! Instead, say something like, oh, I dont know, Happy Thanksgiving! And finally, my favorite one... If you meet a child who isnt eating one of the thirteen casseroles you just baked or the turkey or your two favorite stuffing recipes on this earth...Dont be a jerk and say, Why isnt he eating? Why arent you making him eat that? If that were MY kid, hed be eating EVERYTHING on his plate or hed be grounded for the rest of the week! I bet if you leave him at my house for a weekend, hed be eating everything you put in front of him! Instead, realize that, oh, I dont know, maybe theres something YOU dont KNOW about the situation. Maybe this child doesnt have the ability to swallow food correctly, maybe this child chokes on food, maybe this child cant handle the sensory component of whats in those thirteen casseroles, maybe this child has severe food allergies and CANT eat what you are eating, maybe this child has been to seven different feeding therapists and people WAY smarter than YOU are trying like HELL to figure out whats going on and THEY are STILL scratching their heads! MAYBE, just MAYBE, theres a reason this child cant pick up his fork and eat JUST LIKE YOU DO. Instead, say, I bet those rice cakes / ritz crackers / green grapes / fill in the blank taste great! Happy Thanksgiving! Today is a day about being with family in whatever way that makes sense to you and yours. Today is a day about getting to know people who are different than you. Today really isnt about the food or the football. And for some people, realize that this is one of the hardest days of their life because of the way their brain and body works. And when in doubt, smile and say, Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 17:43:49 +0000

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