Happy Thursday...we are 4 days away from placing entries into the - TopicsExpress


Happy Thursday...we are 4 days away from placing entries into the $20,000 #toogood promotion. It Works Global will be calling out 20 DTs names who each sponsored one distributor and one new loyal customer. It is simple to do but doesnt appear easy. What do I mean by that? We make everything way too hard because it keeps us safe. We have to step outside our box of thinking if we want to get the results that we dream about. When I first started in the industry I was concerned that I couldnt answer the questions but I didnt even know what they were. I think most of us are like that but once you step outside the box and start asking Have you tried that crazy wrap thing?, you discover that almost all the questions are the same. Such as; Q. Does it really work? A. Yes, this is what it did for me..tell a very, very short story or show your before/after. Q. How long does it last? A. Results typically last 2-6 months but that depends on you. Q. How does it work? A. I dont know. All I know is it worked for me. (Show pictures, tell a short story). Just smile through the questions and keep the answers simple. If you dont know an answer, that is a great way to get their contact information so that you can call them back. Below are more scripts that you can use to build your business. Keep what you desire from your business with you throughout the day and it will help carry you through the times when you feel inadequate. Stay connected to your upline and come to any event that you can get to so that you can build your faith. I can assure you that it is worth it. See you at the TOP! #startswithone Opportunity Follow-Up Texts: 1). Hey __________________ I am still thinking about how fun it would be to have you in this business with me and how successful you could be with it! I don’t want to bug you, but I felt like I should follow up since you haven’t given me a “no” yet. ;-) Then, ask a question: (1) Are you free for lunch tomorrow? (2) Can I give you a call tomorrow? 2). I know this is a crazy time of year for everyone, I just wanted to make sure I answered all of the questions you had about this company. I would love to share more with you and get you started while we are in this huge stage of momentum! Then, ask a question: (1) Are you free for lunch tomorrow? (2) Can I give you a call tomorrow? 3). I know you are crazy busy right now, would you prefer to start as a customer and just enjoy the products for a few months and then decide? 4). It’s completely normal to worry about starting a business…why don’t we plan a party for you and that way you can see how interested your friends and family are before you officially become a distributor? 5). This is a busy time for everyone. I would love to share more with you about the company and the opportunity to make extra income selling Skinny Wraps! Then, ask a question: (1) Are you free for lunch tomorrow? (2) Can I give you a call tomorrow? 6). Hey __________________ Ive been thinking about how fun it would be to have you in this business with me and how successful you could be with it! I would love to share more with you about the company and the opportunity to make extra income selling Skinny Wraps. Then, ask a question: (1) Are you free for lunch tomorrow? (2) Can I give you a call tomorrow? 7). Hey __________________ I know we spoke a few days ago but I havent heard back from you. I hope I didnt offend you at all. Note: Use the Party Pad when you meet with your prospect. Read each page. Keep it simple so that they can see themselves doing what you do. Product Follow-Up Texts: 1). If you are still considering ordering but are unsure, why don’t we set up a wrap party for next week so that you can try your first wrap for free and then you can decide about the Loyal Customer program? 2). I’m placing orders today, were you still wanting to try the ___________________ for $___________ as a Loyal Customer? 3). Did you have a chance to look at the products? I am excited for you because I know how many busy moms I have as loyal customers that couldn’t go without some of these products each day! 4) Did you have a chance to look at the products? I know how much you were interested in ____________ and I can help you save up to 40% by becoming a Loyal Customer today. 5) I am booking skinny wrap parties. I know you said you were interested. Why don’t we set one up and you can try it free? 6) What area do you want to wrap first? Vendor/Raffle Follow-Up: I did my raffle wrap drawing from the show that you attended on ______ and you have the opportunity to host a party and wrap for free or purchase one for $25. You can also become a customer today and get a box of 4 for $100 or at my cost as a Loyal Customer for $59. Blitz Approach: Look back through your text messages conversations that you have from the last few days and ask: You: Have you tried that Crazy Wrap Thing? Guest: No, what is it? You: It’s a cloth that you can put on anywhere to help tighten, tone & firm your skin. This is what it does: attach a picture of the Blitz Card. Guest: Yes, I tried it once and it didn’t work? You: That is why we put 4 in a box. You need to experience a full treatment. Would you like to try a box of 4? Guest: No, but my sister (friend, mother, etc.) did and she/he didn’t get results. You: Now it is your turn to show that it does work. Would you like to try it tomorrow for $25? Guest: Do you think I need it? You: No, but everybody wants to try it. (go silent and let them continue to look at the card...wait for response) Guest: How can I try one? You: Here are some different options for your response: (1) You can host a party and wrap for free, purchase one for $25 or become a customer today and get a box of 4 for $100 or you can get it at my cost as a Loyal Customer for $59. (2) We can meet and you can try it for $25. (3) Would you like to host a WRAP PARTY and try it free? (4) You can become a Loyal Customer today and get a box of 4 for $59 which saves you $40. (5) You can have 4 or more friends over to wrap for $25 each and you can try yours free! (6) Get a couple of friends together that want to try it and I’ll wrap you free. (7) A box of 4 is $100 or you can get it at my cost as a Loyal Customer for $59.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:28:53 +0000

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