Happy Tuesday all you high minded souls, It hurts my insides - TopicsExpress


Happy Tuesday all you high minded souls, It hurts my insides to see all the turmoil and pain in my old home town of St. Louis and St. Louis County and the fear thats generated by the Grand Jurys decision. Fear is certainly one of the demons I have dealt with in my lifes journey. Its one of those demons that the Ego clings too with all it has and every ounce of effort the Ego has is fed into the Fear Factor, that tells me I need to go out and purchase more guns, carry one with me, look over my shoulder. The News Media along with social media today only fans those fears, and Anger and rage is always the offspring of fear. The Media thrives off it, the NRA promotes it and Hate groups are created out of its deep and far reaching tentacles. What happened in Ferguson will feed the media and sunday talk shows for a long time and drive home to hate groups everywhere to point fingers with a I told you so attitude of conviction. There does not seem to be an easy way back, or an easy solution to peace and harmony those must come from the individual who makes up their mind that hate, acting out, and creating chaous in the community only creates more of the same. More guns, more police, more brute force is not the solution the solution lies in everyone of us as an individual, to lay aside our judgements, Fears, Rage and Anger and come back together as a community and grow from this unfortunate incident, as we pray for the Brown Family and come back together as a thriving community - some good from all this is on the Horizon. May we face this day with Love in our hearts. Namaste :-)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 11:26:38 +0000

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