Happy Veterans Day! Both Jim and my father served, Preston Fansett - TopicsExpress


Happy Veterans Day! Both Jim and my father served, Preston Fansett as a MP in the Air Force during the Korean Conflict while my Dad (a bit older) was a Sergeant in the Army Air Corps. during WWII. We are so proud of both of their service to our nation, protecting human rights, and freedom. Both of our fathers have passed. We remember them with old stories told over big family turkey dinners; or during a quiet moment in reflection. We hope they are proud of the life we are leading. We pride ourselves that during this most difficult time we are following their example and putting family first and foremost. This week started with a bang! We traveled back to Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno for Jims follow up surgery (Craniotomy) where his Surgeon will replace the skull bone he removed in July. They needed us there Monday afternoon for paperwork and tests to prepare for Tuesdays morning surgery. We got a motel room and mentally prepared for the next day... 3 am came without an invitation. We got ready and arrived at the 2nd floor Out Patient Surgery Wing We both smiled at the word Out Patient; It was such a better title than In Patient it held the promise of a short hospital stay. And that is what we were praying for. Our Doctor arrives and talks to us, Jim has some swelling that concerns the medical team so an additional procedure is ordered... All will be fine, surgery could take about 2 hours the Doctor reassures us as I kiss Jims cheek as they take him into surgery... That was 9:15 am last Tuesday Morning. Back in Three Rivers, Ryan got Kyle ready for school and met the school bus and then drove to Fresno to met me. I was putting Jims walker back in the car as Ryan strolled up behind me. I was so happy to see him! No place is lonelier than a waiting room with only your worries to keep you company. Ryan and I sat together in comfortable silence until 1:15 pm, when our Surgeon appeared at the waiting room door... He was smiling. The Doctor told us Jims operation was way more involved than it is normally... He came through it fine, the Doctors had to change their plans to fit Jims needs... and trying a different approach added more time. He also let us know we would be able to see Jim as soon as a hospital room was available. Ryan had to return to Three Rivers to take care of Kyle, I hugged him goodbye and told him I would call him as soon as I saw his Dads eyes again. At 5 pm, I asked for someone to give me an update on when I could be united with my husband... They were still waiting for a room to be available. At 6:30 pm, the recovery room sent a message out to me... They were taking Jim to his 6th CT scan and I can meet him on the 9th Floor in room 909 in about 45 minutes. I didnt miss a beat... I was out of that waiting room like it was a prison break... Any hallway was going to be better than than this 9 hour holding cell. Especially if it meant I was going to be closer to seeing his big hazel eyes again. Finally at 7:15 pm, I got see my very tired and hurting big lug. His head was wrapped and he was answering questions threw at him by an young attending Doctor. He had more wires and monitors hooked up to his body than what made logical sense. We were back in a different world again... Hopefully this time for just a quick refueling (a topping the tank or in our case a re-topping). I was able to stay with Jim until 9 pm Tuesday Night. I was relieved he was okay but wished with all my being I didnt have to leave him for a empty rented room. Wednesday, was a blur. I texted Jim that I was walking in from the parking structure and would be with him soon. The nurses need me to bring Jims walker to his room so that he can start moving around. At 10:30 am, I met Jims other surgeon Dr. Mary. She is as beautiful as she is brilliant and kind... And a really good seamstress to boot... She was admiring her handy work as she explained how difficult Jim made their job yesterday and how happy and relieved she was to be talking with him that moment... I am so glad I didnt know that when it was happening... Ignorance IS truly bliss. She told us she would return to remove the drain and to check on Jims pain medicine... He was going to be in a lot of pain, and we will need to get it manageable so we could go home on Thursday. (Hooray!). Ryan arrived just in time to watch Dr. Mary remove a small tube from the top of his Dads head... Like a magician pulling a long stick from too small a hiding place... Our mouths dropped open. She closed the wound with a single stitch and a couple of fancy knots... She is good. Jim was not as impressed, from his vantage point, she was pulling and poking and causing him pain... And he wanted her to just STOP! 2 pm came quickly, and Ryan needed to leave for home. Jim and I settled in, listening to our roommates friends complain how all cops are out to get them in more trouble when they (surprising) find themselves detained in back of a police car. Hummmm.....When we got tired of rolling our eyes at each other, we wished the curtain between the two hospital beds could suddenly become sound proof. I was able to stay until 9:45 pm, long after the recorded message in 4 languages reminded visitors it was time for them to leave. I check into the same motel for the third night in a row. While waiting my turn with the front desk assistant, other guest was trying to get help with a bad cut to his finger caused by a sharp door jam. Their first aid kit was not suited for even a paper cut... So I went to the car and got my bag. A small travel bottle of Listerine (the yellow version) saved the day... I am no Dr. Mary, but I am sure glad I was in the right place to help other person. At 2am, Thursday Morning I get a cell phone call from Jim... I push the answer button and say worriedly Baby, whats wrong... He sounded equally worried Where are you? I am at the motel... Do you need me to come to the hospital? I thought you were here, your text said you were walking in from the parking structure, but that was hours ago... Honey, that was yesterdays text, it is 2am in the morning Jim groans Oh Babe I am so sorry, I am a whole 12 hours off! He sighs I hate this place, try to get back to sleep, and I will see you in the daylight. I laid back, I can feel my heartbeat slowing down again... Phew! By 9 am, I am showered and shined and ready to get to my Jim. Physical and Occupational Therapist have already been though and called me with great news - we get to go home today! I walk into Room 909, and Jim is sitting in a chair all dressed! What a difference a day makes! We get a call from Dr. Mary who is putting in the discharge orders... We are almost there! Just a couple more hoops to jump through... And I was bringing the car to the front entrance of the Hospital. It felt so good to be heading home. On this day of honoring our brave Veterans: past (our Dads), present (Ryans best friend Andrew currently in the US Army) and future. Lets take this moment to thank God for bringing the past soldiers home so they could start families and add their bravery and strength to their then civilian lives. To ask God to protect those currently servicing and to give them strength when home is so far away. And lastly please pray that all will return home. Present and future to feel the same joy Jim and I did heading home. May you feel the same joy, and acknowledge the sacrifice of too many so we have safe homes to return to. Blessing on your week, ours are too many to count.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 20:15:34 +0000

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