Happy Veterans Day. Remember 11-11-1918 and all that came - TopicsExpress


Happy Veterans Day. Remember 11-11-1918 and all that came before and after. Note: Technically, the vid is a major spoiler for Black Adder. If you havent seen Season Four Black Adder Goes Forth, then its up to you whether you click. If you havent, you should. When people ask me what some of the best anti-war statements put to film are, I always list Black Adder Season 4 near the top. Taken as a whole, its just as off-kilter as Catch-22, maddeningly unjust as Paths of Glory, and just as tragic as All Quiet on the Western Front. Some would scoff that its just a goofy little TV show. How dare something that features a man wearing a pair of underpants on his head and pencils up his nose be put in the same category as the great dramas of the 21st Century. But thats the thing. The secret to comedy is it has a way of lowering your defenses. It disarms you, brings you into the fold, and gives you the opportunity to laugh with a bunch of complete strangers who -- by the end of it -- feel like your friends. So when things get dark or poignant, its like an extra punch to the soul.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 13:27:49 +0000

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