Happy WILD Wednesday...get to know a little about our WILD crew - TopicsExpress


Happy WILD Wednesday...get to know a little about our WILD crew here every week. Today, we salute Mario, Assistant Property Manager extraordinaire. I asked him a few WILD things about himself...read more below Why are you WILD about your job? I have to begin by stating that Wildwood is by far the wildest place that I have ever frequented. This applies to both the employment and overall general aspect side of things. The atmosphere is unlike any that I have ever encountered. The closest thing that I can compare it to is my tenure with the Disney Resort, There is such a positive energy that flows throughout the office, that it literally draws you in. There is never a day that I regret my decision in joining the Wildwood family. What is a WILD fact that most people don’t know about you? I have three distinct personas that I am fully conscious and aware of. There is my family persona that close loved ones experience on a day to day basis. My work persona has been described as the professional type. I attribute this to what I like to describe as my internal police. The final, and highly mysterious side, is one that I have slowly begun to expose to the world. It is a combination of the two aforementioned personas, fully incorporated with the comic/fantasy nerd in me. I am a dreamer, believer, and adventurer. What is the WILDEST thing you have done or want to do in your lifetime? I could go on and on about the list of wild things that I have done, but will attempt to limit the list to a few items. The first is with out a doubt is the decision to be both a father and a husband. I feel that individuals take these roles for granted by not truly comprehending the complexities that come with fulfilling these roles. These are eternal bonds that are formed and developed continuously. Coexisting with another human being has to be the most difficult thing in life, as you have two truly unique beings that strive to meet that fine middle ground. The product of such a union is reflective in the two little miracles that my wife and I created, along with the cause of most of my gray hair. I am a daredevil and thrill seeker all rolled into one. My favorite form of entertainment is the adventures of theme parks. The bigger the attraction, the bigger the excitement. Ill take a 100 foot drop on a roller coaster at the flip of a dime. Sky diving is another adventure that I would love to take part in, as soon as I get permission from my other half.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:20:36 +0000

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