Happy Wednesday...Tuesday...Friday??? I forget what day it - TopicsExpress


Happy Wednesday...Tuesday...Friday??? I forget what day it is...lol Momma is still in the hospital. I would like to be able to sit here and give yall a full detail of what is going on but as I have sat and watched numerous doctors come in and out of her room scratching their head I am to the realization that not one person in a long white coat has any idea what is wrong with her. This morning we were told that cancer is not off the table because there is a small...VERY SMALL...chance that she has a very rare, unusual type of cancer. They cant rule out an infections disease. They cant rule out a fungal infection. They cant rule out a bacterial infection. They cant rule out...ANYTHING! I asked one doctor, So, basically what youre telling me is that my Mom is a real life episode of House and no one knows whats going on? to which he smiled, nodded and said Basically.... They were going to drain fluid off some time today but the thoracic surgeons are wanting her lung to be pretty full when they do some biopsies of her lung tomorrow. Makes no sense to me but I guess we dont have much of a say about that. She is back on oxygen. She gets very winded and short of breath just walking to the restroom and talking all but wears her out. Her appetite is good and nothing is making her sick which is a huge blessing. Every day is an adventure right now. We just never know whats going to happen. God is still teaching me so much. I pridefully thought I had learned a lot during Daddys illness and death to only laugh at myself because obviously I havent learned enough...lol We are good...we laugh and talk a lot. Honestly, I am enjoying the time with her. Not one day comes or goes without being filtered through Gods fingers. I have lived 40 years putting expectations on everything and God is just slowly but surely changing me in that area. I never know what the next minute holds much less tomorrow. Last night was rough. Momma did not sleep much at all, so please pray that tonight is better. The fluid build up is making her miserable and no position is comfortable. The bed hurts her, the chair kills her back, if she stands up for too long she gets very short of breath. Mommas illness may be a mystery to the long white coats walking the halls of UAB, but not to God. He knows exactly what is going on and we will patiently wait.... While Im waiting I will serve You..While Im waiting I will worship. While Im waiting I will not faint...Ill be running the race even while I wait.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 19:40:38 +0000

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