Happy anniversary Zo! 3 months has finally come. I hope you enjoy - TopicsExpress


Happy anniversary Zo! 3 months has finally come. I hope you enjoy the letter and video I made for you. Had it ready for a week B) #TooThug. Can’t believe I didn’t procrastinate :’) Very proud rn. I love you ok. I love you, every bit of you. I won’t ever give up on us. You mean everything to me, and I’ll never let a single fight break us down. I have to say I never thought I’d fall this hard for you but ain’t I glad I did. Im very lucky to have you. I know some guys would kill to have a faithful, loyal, and beautiful girl like you. I think you’re perfect baby, even with your flaws. There’s too many things to adore about you, gosh there isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t thank the Lord for you. You’re happiness means the most to me. I remember the memories we’ve had together even before we were a item, and I can’t wait to make more. I don’t think you understand how much you mean to me, but hopefully someday you will. I know you make mistakes and its ok cause I do too. You make my world complete, you’re all I need. You’re special, ok. You deserve so much and I hope I deliver on it. I know some people don’t approve of our relationship, but those people don’t know me nor you and chose to judge us on the little they do know. Seems ridiculously wrong huh, but no need to worry about them. You’ve taught me tons of things since we’ve gotten together. You’re definitely worth every mile that we’re away from each other. I can count on you for anything and I really love that. I love that I can call you mine and only me. You’re stunning. I’d do anything to keep you to myself. My love never goes to waste with you. I know it must have took a lot of trust for you to give your heart to me after what you have been through. I know most people would be attracted to you cause of your astonishing looks but damn that personality of yours, that’s the real attraction for me. I can’t believe we have the same birthday too! Like yes I got to spend it with you out of all people, amazing. You run through my mind literally all day. We can have the chilliest to the most realest conversations, it’s interesting how I never get bored of talking to you. I hate seeing you down, which is rarely but still I always want you to be happy ok. Happiness is everything. I’m glad that we can talk about things more openly now still a work in progress but we’re getting there, we can do it. I care tremendously about you, even if I don’t do a good job showing it know I do. I always will. You’ve changed me for the better and I am usually hard to change, be proud! There’s millions upon millions of girls in this world, id have to say I’m glad you aren’t like them. Some would need a specific brand of clothing or even accessories just to make them happy but you’re the type of girl that would rather go out to eat then receive those items. I do admit that in our relationship I have to be the more basic one :(. Like I’d probably be the one saying I want Starbucks when it’s freezing but psh haters gonna hate, mad cause I’m cool. You bully me, suppose to be nice to me, but you’re cute in a type of way when you do so its ok . You fall asleep on me everyday,leaving me alone in boredom cause no one else is worth the time to text. Than there’s those rare times were I fall asleep on you, then its even. I just got this idea! We should totally watch the stars one day, that way I can say that cheesy line “Count the stars, that’s how much I love you.” Perfect idea huh. Probably wont though, we’re always busy but we should try. Keeping that in mind now. I may not understand you much when it comes to our relationship problems and I honestly don’t know why. The girls before you would say I was the most understanding and I would accept them, you know. But you’re not like those girls I believe there is more to you then just a pretty face. And I’m guessing that’s the reason why I’m hard on you because I expect more as I have said before. No I’m not saying you’re not enough or anything related to that. I’m saying you have tons of potential you should use more often. I’ve noticed that I try to be more understanding towards you more than anyone else cause you matter and they hardly compare to you. I’ll stay faithful and loyal to you for as long as we are together and if we happen to split. I wouldn’t worry because I know I gave 100% and you have too, sometimes it just doesn’t work like we want it to. You have to be the only person I’d ever stay awake for to finish this letter it’s 4:30 am currently, you know how I love my sleep. I wish there was a way to write everything I feel but it’s impossible, maybe it would be possible if I were to speak these words instead in person of course. I don’t have that option so I hope this does somewhat of justice. I’m not afraid of what the future may hold for us but I do say I hope it’s grand. If there is ever a negative thought in your mind, overlook it because I love you. I always will. And you should know you give me the best feeling just by being you and loving me. Once again, Happy three month anniversary Zoella. https://youtube/watch?v=GgKgl1ydyi4&list=UUfXOTvZTAfg3IZiUSb2LSBA
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 06:09:17 +0000

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