Happy hump day everyone. What an awesome warm morning, hope - TopicsExpress


Happy hump day everyone. What an awesome warm morning, hope everyone got to enjoy some of the day. Here are just some warnings again about some of your habits and behaviour with your food. Hope this helps you out in some way. More on Friday! Limit Liquid Calories Soda is essentially sugar water, which packs a caloric punch. Diet cola, though clocking zero calories, also has zero nutritional value. Almost all smoothies and fruit juice, though healthier than soda, packs about the same number of calories. (If youre craving fruit, go with whole fruit instead, which has fiber to keep you full.) But the healthiest choice? Go with water. Eight glasses are recommended per day, but if you hate drinking plain water, try coconut water or putting fresh fruit into your water. Unsweetened tea and coffee are good runners-up. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables I love carbs as much as the next person, and thereve been occasions when Ive walked several blocks out of my way to get meat on a stick. But eating a rainbow of fruits and veggies provides heaps of benefits, including protection against cancer, heart disease, and the effects of aging. Ultimately, the food pyramid recommends a total of nine servings of fruits and vegetables, . So the thing is just try to make sure to have just one vegetable or fruit with each meal. Whether that means adding a banana to your morning cereal or putting tomato and lettuce on your lunchtime turkey sandwich, its an easy way to get your greens in without keeping hating it. Or practice the 50 percent rule: aim to have half of your lunch or dinner plate covered in veggies. Not only will this help you get your nutrition fix in, but youll also likely shed some weight: Each bite of vegetable has 3 to 4 times fewer calories than any other bite of food on your plate, Eat More Fiber Not only can fiber keep you full, it can also help you lose weight as well as lower your risk for cancer. An easy way to fit more fiber into your diet is to swap out white bread for whole grains. When reading the ingredient list on, say, bread, make sure the first ingredient reads whole grain. Go Natural Choosing natural foods instead of processed foods is a health no-brainer. Without additives, non- or minimally processed foods -- lean meats, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables -- mean you wont ingest excessive amounts of manmade chemicals. (Just read the ingredient list on a package of packet of chips and see if you can pronounce all those words.) Its a simple switch to pick the organic apple over the conventional apple, or the whole wheat loaf over the Wonder bread. But its a simple swap that could mean a big nutritional difference.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:57:23 +0000

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