Happy new year! With every year comes new ambitions and new - TopicsExpress


Happy new year! With every year comes new ambitions and new resolutions. I am not about to make any resolutions but I am going to make some goals for some life style changes. A quality tradition that I began last year is making a set of goals and reviewing my progress over the year and posting both programs and goals on my face book page so that I can be transparent and have the peer support of friends and hopefully someday family. Some of my goals from 2014 will be carried over to 2015 with renewed efforts. I have made some changes and withdrawn some goals so I will list my release goals which will be things I wish to accomplish before my release. With that said allow me to move on. RELEASE GOALS 1) Bring my body weight to 220 lbs. Or less and to be in the best physical condition of my life. The reasons for this are simple I want to live a long time and I have seen the ill affects of poor health. If I can get into this physical shape then I can conquer things that have held me back so many years. I know that with better self esteem also comes better self confidence. 2) I will continue my education by taking the paralegal course and I will give it 100%. I will seek to enroll in the office program at the medium facility that I am going to and I will give that 100%. My future relies on my ability to work to pay off my financial obligations and to ensure I can contribute to the world in a positive manner. I have to have a career that I can be proud of. I now have a vision and a dream and I intend to use my time here in the most constructive way possible. 2015 GOALS 1) Lose 52 pounds which will be a minimum of 1 pound a week. It is my intention to do even better than this as one pound a week is not all that much but with a proper nutritional plan and regular exercise I should be able to do this with no problem. 2) Get moved to a medium (FCI) facility. This is a goal that I can strive for but the control is not up to me but is the responsibility of the BOP so all I can do is continue to stay clear conduct and do all the classes I can. 3) Become impeccable with my word. If I say that I am going to do something then that is what I need to do. This has been a problem for me most of my life I have all these grand ideas but follow through has not been all that good. when I conquer this goal then I can begin building my future that does not include the rest of my life in prison. 4) Remain free of disciplinary problems. If I can follow the rules in here then I should be able to follow the rules in the free world. Following the many rules can be a challenge but in order for me to do this in the free world then I must master it now. My sobriety cannot wait till I get out but must begin now. I have made some bad choices in my life that have led to my current situation and it is on me to take control and get my life together. Tamara is a blessing and a gift from the gods that I don not deserve but she has become the foundation of my support system and I believe when I master these goals and couple that with my new support system than I can truly make this time different and I can stay out of this place. I am on a mission to do something with my life that does not include prison and this new tool of using goals and reviewing them on a regular basis are just tools to help me accomplish that act I understand that I am the one that must follow through with them or else they are just words. Hence my goal to become impeccable with my word that one goal is perhaps the most important one of them all and when I master that then everything else will be easy. I hope everyone that reads this has a great 2015 and I hope you all will send me your thoughts and support.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 08:46:15 +0000

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