Happy new year all my beyond gorgeous friends! 2014 was a - TopicsExpress


Happy new year all my beyond gorgeous friends! 2014 was a crappy year looking back, surgery was extended, and things in general went wrong, often. But I am grateful for my friends, new and old, and family, adopted or blood. And my animals. 2015 will be a big year! And Im going to be selfish and make it about me. Im more of a to do list person that a resolution person, so in 2015; I plan to spend less time working and more time playing, Be back in the saddle, with or without surgery! Have surgery haha Complete 2014s to do list (see to do lists have a roll over function) Spend more time with our adopted families Tamieka and Breeanna Wash my car Do some debt busting Start caravan looking for the 5 year trip with the fam Use my ED Sit my black arse down and find some direction Spend time with my community See two of my close mates (and family) wed whoop whoop Lee, Head to NZ Toilet train Miss K, because there is no way were having 2 kids in nappies. Go riding with Caitlyn and Connor, like in the snowy mountains And hopefully we can move past the last 6 or so years of crap and into a much better space. This morning I asked kloé what she wanted this year. Looks like we have some work to do.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 03:06:06 +0000

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