Happy sabbath: Bible study. Lord knows that Im a generous person! - TopicsExpress


Happy sabbath: Bible study. Lord knows that Im a generous person! My family and friends will testify to me giving the shirt off my back to help anyone!!! You can be family, friends, and foes. I hate to see people in need and wont help them!!! I despise selfish, self seeking people!!! Organizations, including churches who depend on tithes and offerings from members yet will not help the members in need!! Well, I had an interesting conversation with a pastor who stated that tithing was an Old Testament law as we all know, but it was abolished with Old Testament laws! This pastor claims that in the New Testament we are asked to be a cheerful giver and that 10% of our income is not required and money was never required in Old Testament!! The giving of our income was created for greed of the churches!!! Think about these mega churches preachers lifestyles!!! Most of the funds come from hardworking church members!!!! I truly dont mind giving 10%. But my valid concern is: when pastors quote Malachi 3:8 and tell the congregation dont rob God! Are they lying and robbing us to accommodate their lifestyles!!! The question need be addressed!!! Where in the bible does it state to give 10% of our monetary benefits? Question # 2 why are churches quoting that passage to intimidate or scare members into giving when we want to give anyway? I believe that we should give to spread the gospel because we live in a new timeframe with increased knowledge and technology that is costly yet beneficial!!! However, I have a profound skirmish with churches lying to reap monetary wealth while misappropriating/ mismanagement of our hard earned capital to benefit themselves!! Lastly, I would suggest that all who give tithes research doctrine of both testaments on tithing and after profound prayer and evidence of what God is asking oppose to the church, obey the word and if you conclude that God said give 10% of your income do so!! Or if you believe that New Testament passages that states be a cheerful giver then may God be the one youre honoring in all you do!!! But as of today, I now believe that we do not have to give 10% of our income but we should love to contribute to the gospel because it leads lost souls to Christ I believe Im pretty intelligent! Im educated! Im a six grade self contained teacher!!! Im not an enemy of God or the church and understand the gospel is expensive!!! However, to distort or spiritualize scripture is diabolical, dispiriting, and disgusting of all pastors who would lie to reap benefits,that is my complaint!!!!! Study to show yourselves approved. If anyone can teach while proving to me that God said we must give 10% of our income please comment in a respectful tone! I have zero tolerance for foolery!! This is not a debate only a situation that needs attention:) if I tagged you! Im only trying to reach the public! You dont have to respond but research for the truth that sets us all free:) amen!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:10:03 +0000

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