Happy wintry day to all of you! The sun is shining! I have been - TopicsExpress


Happy wintry day to all of you! The sun is shining! I have been away from these pages for a while. I am on tour. It has been grueling, consuming and exhausting - and incredibly fulfilling and satisfying. I am behind in a lot of my other chores. If you want to call it that. But I am doing my work. I am meditating every day. I am living my dream. I am honing my skills. I am living and learning. I am noticing my thought patterns and the beliefs that have been holding me back. I am being patient with myself as I manage everything I am doing, knowing that life is a balance and I must also do my work, sleep, eat, exercise, meditate, etc. So while I have not kept up with several major deadlines/projects I had outlined for myself, I am steadily moving forward - at my own pace. This is life. I know I am exactly where I need to be with it all. At the same time - even though I am behind with my projects - everything is working together in a very beautiful way. Before I left on tour I was putting an incredible amount of stress on myself, pushing myself very hard. Somehow though, being on tour always puts everything else in perspective. It brings me so beautifully in to the NOW. What is todays work? Where do I need to be next? What do I need to do to prepare. I love this about touring. Everything else just falls away. All year I have been opening, softening and then releasing in so many areas of my life. That work is ongoing. This has all been in preparation for what I call expansion. I am cleaning house - literally, emotionally, mentally, spiritually - cleaning up the little (and not so little) messes in my business, my life and my mind. this has been my plan for 2014. Now, 2015 is almost upon us. I am calling 2014 my Year of Expansion. I am ready for all the Universe has to offer me. I am ready to offer myself to the Universe, to step into Life and the world in a much more fearless, larger, more expansive way than I have ever allowed myself to do before. It has begun already, in small and not so small ways. I can feel the movement within and around me. But I can also feel those old stories operating beneath the surface, just waiting to rear their pretty little heads, hoping to distract me, discount me, or in whatever other way hold me back. But I am learning to become more aware of those stories, to notice when they are operating - and to take a step back. The noticing alone takes a lot of their power away and frees me to make different choices. So. I am ready. So ready. Although there is also much work to be done. But as my friend and mentor Christine Kane says, it is not about the end. It is about the Becoming. And becoming I am. Thank you all for journeying along with me. And for all the support you have and continue to offer, in all the ways you do. My deepest gratitude to you. Love, love, love, Cindy
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 19:07:50 +0000

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