Happy2 Sunday to all the beautiful people of the world and your - TopicsExpress


Happy2 Sunday to all the beautiful people of the world and your respective families. Just arrived from our 6am mass followed by our Leccom first Sunday of the month in our Parish Hall from 7:00am to 9:10am. Three special occasions attended yesterday....simple breakfast after 6:00am mass for 89th bday of Apung Nene Sunga Castillo at the back of her home, 1st death anniv of our Ninang Rosing Castillo Silva in Suburbia Subd., SFDO and Despedida Party of the loving daughter of my beloved Mareng Adel (Babes) in their beautiful house at St.Francis Village SFDO also. Served as commentator too at 6:00am mass in our Parish yesterday, attended 7:15pm mass in our Chapel. We had a very hot days since Monday. As usual here is our reflections for the week from Moments of Fr. Jerry M.Orbos, SVD. I chose his reflections way back April 10, 2011 instead of todays.....Graduation is the title..... THE STORY is told about a little kid who hated Math, and wrote thus: Dear Math, please grow us up soon, and solve your own problems! In todays Gospel (John, 11, 1-45), Jesus raises up Lazarus from the dead and declares thus: I am the Resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. The Resurrection may not solve our worldly problems but the reality and the promise of the Resurrection will give us the strength and the hope to solve whatever problems. The meaning and value of the Resurrection are best illustrated by that story of a boy crossing a wobbly hanging bridge. What gives him courage to go on is the sight of Jesus at the other end, holding the ropes and waiting for him. Note that in our illustration above, the Lord does not do the walking for the boy. All of us will have to walk our walk in our journey, but the assurance has been given to us by the Risen Lord that He will be with us in our journey in order to bring us to our final destination where He himself sits at the throne at the right hand of the Father. Jesus had friends, Lazarus was one of them. He also helped close family friends. We remember today and pray for all people whom we journey with in this life, living or dead, present or absent, the good ones and the bad. At opportune times in our lives, God sends people to accompany us on the road. Some stay on together, some stray apart, but our hope is that we will all meet again because of the Resurrection, in that final, grand homecoming and reunion. Someday, we wil forget the hurt, the reason we cried, and who caused us pain. We will finally realize that the secret of being free is not revenge, but letting things unfold in their own way and time. After all, what matters is not the first, but the last chapter of our lives which shows how well we ran the race. As we approach Holy Week may we be filled with the spirit of true conversion and expectant hope. It is never too late to change, and it is never too early to love. Let us look into our hearts today and see the good that must be resuscitated in our lives, and the bad that must be disposed of. At any point of our lives, we can change for the better. Indeed, there is no sinner without a future, there is no saint without a past. As the saying goes: Never say die! Whatever illness or weakness there is, it need not end in death! Jesus tells us today: This illness is not to end in death, but is for the glory of God, and that the Son of Man be glorified in it. Whatever suffering there is can be an opportunity to rise t up, become better person, and move on. When we face any illness or weakness, the best attitude is that of gratitude. It is precisely the hope of the Resurrection that enables us to say YES to life with all its sham, storms, pains and broken dreams. If we can accept life, with a Creator, and accept death with a Saviour, then there is no reason to lose hope or to fear. It is graduation time once again. Congratulations to the graduates and tho those who helped them graduate. Let us all be reminded of that final graduation in heaven, where the good will be rewarded, and the evildoers will be punished. May we all pass our tests in this world and graduate into eternity. During this season of Lent, especially in the Holy Week, let us ask the Lord to revive whatever has died in us. Perhaps there are some good qualities and good habits that we have set aside or forgotten. Perhaps these are some relationships that we should mend or strengthen. Yes, let us ask the Lord to raise up and set us free from our tombs and prisons. Let us also pray that the Lord will raise up in our midst a new breed of leaders who really have the common good in their heart and mind. Enough of greedy and corrupt government officials and leaderss! May the Lord heal our land! Think about this: We live in a strange world where poor people walk far and work just to find food, while the rich people walk miles and work out just to burn extra calories from food. A moment with the Lord: Lord, be with me as I move on, and help me make it to the final graduation in heaven. Amen. Thank you much everyone for taking time to reflect after reading above said reflections. Have a nice remaining weekend to all of you. God bless us all.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 03:00:36 +0000

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