Happy2 Sunday to all the beautiful people of the world and your - TopicsExpress


Happy2 Sunday to all the beautiful people of the world and your respective families. Happy2 thanksgiving day to all of you too. May the blessings of the Lord be with us all. Yesterday, Saturday Nov. 22 we left our town to attend our 5th General Assembly for Lectors and Commentators held at Bren Guiao Convention Center from 7:00am to 1:30pm. No show, no assignment for the whole year reading the word of the Lord in our Parish and our Chapel.. Almost 5thousand Leccoms attended the annual renewal. We had two outstanding speakers and for the first time we had our New Archbishop, Most Reverend Florentino G. Lavarias, D.D.) who officiated our mass and confirmed or renewed our promises for the whole year as Lectors and Commentators of each Parishes and Chapel all over Pampanga Province. Around 2:30pm we arrived and rest a little bit and prepare our small statue of Christ the King to be brought to our Chapel to be with us in our Saturday mass at 7:15pm coz today is the feast day of Christ the King. I was a lector 2nd reading in our Chapel and today in our Parish also 2nd reading at 6:00am mass where it lasted for almost two hours due to some special activities like recommissioning of EMDC and exposing the Blessed Sacrament for the feast day of our Christ the King. As usual here is our weekly reflections coming from the Moments of Fr. Jerry M. Orbos, SVD entitled The final Judgment THE STORY is told about an elderly man who had eight strands of hair left on his head. He went to a barbershop and the barber jokingly asked him, Shall I count or cut your hair? The old man smiled and said, Nope!Separatr e the strands and color them one by one! Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ, the King of the Universe. In todays Gospel (Mt.25, 31-46), we hear that the Son of Man will come at the end of time, and will separate nations, one from another, as a shepherd separates sheep from goats on the basis of what they have or have not done to the least, the last and the lost. There will be a final judgment where the good will be rewarded and the bad will be punished. Our true colors will come out on that day. Yes, there will be a final reckoning, and a final revelation. Does the final judgment give you hope? Or does it give you fear? The last line of The Creed says: I look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.amen. Our basic attitude should be that of hope in Gods mercy, and gratitude what we finally will obtain justice. Personally, I look forward to that day where peace and justice will finally come. Many of us who have been misunderstood, maligned, accused and misjudged, will finally be vindicated. Our accusers will be put to shame and will reap the fruits of their malice and sins. Come! How wonderful it would be to hear that word from Christ, the King, when we finally see Him! Depart! How dreadful it would be to hear that world from our King! While we are still alive, liet us live in such a way that we will finally hear Christ, our King, say to us: Come, you are blessed by My Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Take note that the final judment will be based on what we did or did not do for the Lord, which, in turn, is based on what we did or did not do for the least of our brothers and sisters. When the time comes, wll we be filled with regret that we did not see the Lord in everyone especially in the little ones? May the Lord grant us the grace to become aware of His presence in everyone. May we become aware, too, of His presence in Mother Nature, and may we respect, protect and nourish it, for our King is also the King of all creation, of the Universe itself! Praise God for Pope Francis, who connects very well with the youth by his words and by his life example. We look forward to his visit to our country in January. May his encounter with us, especially our youth, be a source of renewal and hope for our nation and for our people. Allow me to share a very timely piece of advice for us, the elder ones, from the theologian Monsignor Biffi commenting on a homily by St. Bede the Venerable: Dont covet earthly things; dont seek ephemeral gains; flee all cheap honors; voluntarily embrace all that the world despises for heavenly glory; be a joy to all; love injuries and do not injure anyone; support with patience whatever you receive; always search for the glory of the Creator and never your own; practicing these things and others like them means following in the footsteps of Christ. A moment with the Lord: Lord, help me to live in such a way that I will face the final judgment, not with fear, but with hope. Amen! Thats all for this week and may your remaining weekends be more happier and blessed! Happy2 feast of Christ the King to all. God bless all of us and our loved ones. Love you all!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 02:57:15 +0000

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