Happy2 nice Sunday morning to all the beautiful people of the - TopicsExpress


Happy2 nice Sunday morning to all the beautiful people of the world. I was really impressed, surprised and inspired for so many people took their time to reflect so binabawi ko na po ang sinabi ko last week na titigil muna ako for the meantime...sorry po...I should not said that....Even though I attended 4masses yesterday 6am 2nd novena for a.Sto.Rosario in our Parish which I was the commentator, at 8:30am commentator in our chapel (mass for deceased Raymundo Sunga) brother of Crising Sunga who passed away last Oct 15 or Oct.16 and had a choir practiced in our home at 3pm and sang at 5pm mass in our parish and sang again in our chapel at 7:15pm mass. Since it is our 3rd day novena of our Patron Saint in our Parish today Oct. 20, we will try our best to complete it and after 6am mass we were invited by apung Nene Castillo and her family for padasal ng Apung Urbano Castillo so we had a breakfast at may pabaon pa si Apung Nene kalame ube which I distributed among our Rosarian Choir Members.... As usual here is our reflections for this Sunday Oct. 20 from Moments of Fr.Jerry M. Orbos, SVD entitled Quality Prayer THE STORY is told about a little boy who, in order to get the attention of the busy store owner, shouted: I would like to buy the two most popular compounds, sodium chloride and the simplest glucose, and also common spices, allium cepa and allium sativum, all worth $ 0.4807692! The store owner was stunned. Now that I have your attention, the little boy then said, Id like to buy salt, sugar, onions, and garlic. Converted to pesos, thats P22. In todays gospel (Lk. 18, 1-8), Jesus reminds us of the necessity of persistent prayer. Persistence does not necessarily mean long, unending prayer, but heartfelt and confident prayer. In other words, it is not so much the quantity as the quality of our prayers that will get Gods attention, aid, and mercy. We cannot control or manipulate God by our prayers. In prayers, it is God who really calls the shots. All we can do is trust. Some of the best prayers are the shortest ones. In fact, the best kind of prayer is said in tears, or whispered, or just remains in the heart, unsaid. The bottom line of prayer is faith and trust. A heart speaks to another heart. Beyond formula, beyond form, beyond liturgy, and rubrics, prayer is a relationship, without which prayer becomes an obligation, or just a show, or worse, a joke. There are many things we cannot explain or understand in this life. The earthquake that hit Cebu and Bohol last week reminds us of our fragility and mortality. As much as we want to, as much as we try, we realize that there are many things beyond our control in this life. A lot has been said and will be said about this unfortunate tragedy, but the bottom line is that it should lead us all, not to finger-pointing, but to real soul-searching, and, more so, to reaching out and loving. The Lord has spoken. Are we listening? Our brothers and sisters are suffering? Are we praying and loving concretely? Times of tragedy and misfortune are times for us to remember Gods power and faithfulness and His ability to bring good out of seemingly hopeless situations. Remember, in our most helpless and weakest moments, the evil one also pounces on us to make us angry, blaming, resentful, or distressed. Be still, and know that I am God(Psalm 46-10) One of the shortest and best prayers we need to pray and live (the sooner, the better!) is: JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! This is the prayer given to us by Sister Faustina at the Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Krakow, Poland. As we journey on, we realize that we need to trust more in God, and less in ourselves. Please remember that we have received more than we have achieved in this life, and that we are loved by God not so much because of who we are as despite who we are. Let us all take the path of humility, be grateful, and be trusting in Gods forgiveness, mercy and love. Thought for the journey: For every painful experience, the Lord is your healing touch, for every disappointment, the Lord is your certain hope; for every turbulent storm, the Lord is your calming peace. Yes, remember, wherever and whenever, the Lord is with you always! A moment with the Lord: Lord, teach me to pray truly and sincerely, full of trust in your love for me.Amen. Thats all for this week beloved readers and happy2 remaining weekends to all of you and your respective families. God bless us all!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 02:30:15 +0000

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