Hard Copy Text line June 19th, 2014 1.She should be Governor - TopicsExpress


Hard Copy Text line June 19th, 2014 1.She should be Governor General. But let us recognize that the Bahamian people owe her nor Pindling anything. They were paid a salary and given perks and benefits over the time Pindling served. If the Bahamian Govt. or the people want to give her something then fine, but we do not owe her anything. 2. Hey Steve its so sad Lady Pindling has HER haters. Its a shame! I am boycotting these two papers. I wish right thinking Bahamians do like wise. I cry shame on them. 3.Steve I hope theyve paid their real property taxes. 4.Big bro I think what the govt. of the Bahamas need to do is put in place that there will be No property Taxes for Ex PM widows. 5.Ok Steve, since they want to open the bucket of worms, lets investigate all who owe the govt. for any reasons. ALL!! 6. Steve, you aint love Lady P more than me. 7.No person is above the law- especially those who serve in high govt. office, past or present. If you want to Tax the struggling citizens of this country, then ensure your taxes are paid and up-to-date. SIMPLE! We are tired of foolishness from those in govt. -Past and Present! 8.Steve if the journalist had done their homework they would have known that as a widow she is exempt from paying real property taxes. 9.Mr. Mckinney I love love love Lady Pindling, but honestly she and all others MUST pay man …… 10.This hopefully the beginning of all being brought to justice beginning with the leaders! peace! 11.I think the Guardian should be closed down……..They have sold out to the Haitians! 12. Mr. Mckinney I am a young female Bahamian within the 30-35 age bracket and I am utterly annoyed and disappointed by the lack of respect and regard for Bahamian that is poetry on some stations and newspapers. It saddens and hurts my heart to the point where if the opportunity comes for me to leave this country I would take it in a minute. 13. Push the button Steve 14. HATERS Steve thats who they ARE! 15. Live in glass house, dont throw stones! 16. Mr. Mckinney the spite of those people in the press is just astounding . The level of vile contempt for people who stood for us in the past whether in the parliament or not is just sad ! 17. Hi Steve. The all time low witch hunt of the Tribune and Guardian concerning Lady Pindling and the Hon. Leslie Miller was appalling. I see a deliberate, malicious attempt by media to discredit prominent successful black persons. The target and try to destroy their character and it must cease!!!
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 23:23:41 +0000

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