Hard Core Conclusions from said report ! US Afghan Peace Deal is a - TopicsExpress


Hard Core Conclusions from said report ! US Afghan Peace Deal is a must for US, rest all options hurts US interest more than any-other stake holder - Pakistan India both aggressively engaged in tussle to dominate influence over Afghanistan in post US exit scenario means , no peace possible without silent agreement between India and Pakistan off course on Trade Transit between India Pakistan Afghanistan, So look for Trade opportunity link economic growth - US Iran dialogue and agreement at this juncture of time couldnt have been possible without Afghan exit in perspective, US wanted Iranian role towards multicultural next elected government again for peace and stability and to sustain Afghanistan with minimal cost and military strength. - Failure of peace agreements, remote possibility of transparent and broadly acceptable government elections, probable surge and unification between fighting groups, as they likely to consider US exit a military victory and gain momentum to dominate larger parts of Afghanistan and regions along tribal belt inside Pakistan - All indicates , this fairway is gonna a prove a dog leg, more they stretch and squeeze more they gonna go haywire and erratic............ thats gonna happen for sure, cause there is always an opportunity in crises
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 15:07:36 +0000

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