Hard News Bush- Blair Legacy Continues As - 71 Killed, 86 - TopicsExpress


Hard News Bush- Blair Legacy Continues As - 71 Killed, 86 Wounded Across Iraq As Bombers Hit Baghdad Again: At least 71 people were killed and 86 more were wounded across Iraq. More than half of the fatalities were civilians. Baghdad suffered a bombing spree for the second day in a row. tinyurl/ksb5uq2 Fact or fiction: Dozens of IS fighters killed in airstrikes by French: FOUR French airstrikes have killed dozens of fighters from the Islamic State group in a contested area of northern Iraq. French president Francois Hollande said Rafale fighter jets struck a logistics depot in north-eastern Iraq and the target was entirely destroyed. tinyurl/mpw433y Army chief: More ground troops needed in Iraq: Gen. Ray Odierno, the Army chi ef of staff, said he would not rule out the need to send small numbers of U.S. ground troops into combat tinyurl/kblwsph Top Iraqi Shiite Cleric Ayatollah Sistani Warns of Western Interference: The sermon went on to caution that cooperation with the ISIS war must not be used as a pretext to impose foreign decisions on events in Iraq, especially military events. abna.ir/english/service/middle-east-west-asia/archive/2014/09/20/638844/story.html I despised Saddams police state, but the Islamic State would not exist under his rule: Op-Ed: Since moving to Los Angeles in 2009, Ive realized that most Americans dont understand that Iraq used to be a modern, Westernized and secular country. tinyurl/k5bnwbk IS jihadists capture 60 Kurdish villages in Syria: Islamic State jihadists have seized 60 Kurdish villages near the Turkish border in a lightning two-day campaign, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Friday. hindustantimes/world-news/is-jihadists-capture-60-kurdish-villages-in-syria/article1-1266254.aspx Putin says Obama must get permission from Assad to attack ISIS: Video: Interview with Russian ambassador https://youtube/watch?v=Z_iX3K2NkmM&list=UUPejB1cCtTCwzi9yk10CR3g Video shows militants executing another Lebanese soldier: Video - Mohammad Hamiyeh was among over two dozen Lebanese soldiers that have been held by the al-Nusra Front and ISIL for more than a month now. presstv.ir/detail/2014/09/20/379417/militants-execute-lebanese-soldiers/ More than 60,000 Kurds flee Syria, cross into Turkey in 24 hours : More than 60,000 mainly-Syrian Kurds have crossed into Turkey in the past 24 hours, as Islamic State (IS) militants seized dozens of Syrian villages close to the border. tinyurl/pg8vfk7 Kurdish fighters pour into Syria to fight Islamic State: Hundreds of Kurdish fighters entered Syria from Turkey and Iraq Saturday to defend Syrian Kurds from attack by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria forces. washingtonexaminer/article/2553726 Turkish hostages held by Isis have been freed and returned home, PM says: Dozens of Turkish hostages who were seized by Islamic militants in Iraq have been freed and safely returned to Turkey, the prime minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, said on Saturday. theguardian/world/2014/sep/20/turkish-hostages-isis-freed-pm-says 71 killed in army, rebels clashes in Yemen: Shiite Houthi rebels on Friday clashed with the army and Sunni militia in northwest of Yemens capital Sanaa for the second day, which left 71 people killed, including 30 solders and eight civilians, and drove hundreds to flee their homes in an escalation of violence after weeks of hostility in the citys outskirts. punchng/news/71-killed-in-army-rebels-clashes-in-yemen/ Yemens Houthi rebels advance into Sanaa: On Saturday, heavy fighting broke out at the state television building and explosions were heard earlier in the day near the Interior Ministry in the northern part of Sanaa. The Shia fighters shelled the state television building on Friday as they advanced into the city. tinyurl/oa7sx4h Yemen: Night-Time Curfew Imposed, Fierce Fighting Hits Across The Capital: The fighting between the Houthi militants, army troops and pro-Islah gunmen continues for five days now in the north and south of the capital Sanaa, as both sides have been using medium and heavy artilleries. yemenobserver/front-page/765-night-time-curfew-imposed,-fierce-fighting-hits-across-the-capital.html Yemens airport closed for a second day: Flights to the Yemeni capital were suspended for a second straight day Saturday as the toll mounted from clashes between pro-government forces and rebels despite UN efforts to reach a ceasefire. middleeasteye.net/news/yemens-airport-closed-second-day-clashes-continue-capital-404402979 Yemen agrees truce with Shia Houthi fighters - UN envoy: The deal to end the crisis was struck after intense consultations with all the political parties, UN envoy Jamal Benomar said. bbc/news/world-middle-east-29298897 US pays 1/4 of Israels defense budget. Half of US military aid worldwide goes to Israel. Leverage if US wanted. https://medium/matter/americas-quest-for-israeli-palestinian-peace-db27f99ad9f0 36 killed as Boko Haram attacks Nigerian Town : Fighters from Nigerian Islamist militant group Boko Haram stormed the northeastern town of Mainok on Friday, sparking a gun battle that killed at least 36 people and continued into Saturday, two security sources said. newsweek/boko-haram-shootout-nigerian-town-leaves-least-36-dead-272026 10 activists, officers killed in Libya: Targeted killings in Libya over two days left 10 rights activists, journalists, and members of the security forces dead in the countrys east, local security officials said Saturday. tinyurl/oyn8z97 Libya: Spate of assassinations shocks Benghazi on a day dubbed Black Friday: Murder of two teenage activists in Benghazi has seen an outpouring of grief and anger at their shameful killing by unidentified gunmen middleeasteye.net/news/spate-assassinations-leaves-benghazi-state-shock-889822468 Rival prime ministers address Libyans, highlighting divisions: Libyas rival prime ministers both addressed the nation, with each claiming legitimacy and denouncing the other side, highlighting deep divisions in the oil producing country. reuters/article/2014/09/20/libya-security-idUSL6N0RL0U420140920?rpc=401 Four killed in cross-border Boko Haram attack in northern Cameroon: Four civilians were killed in the remote north of Cameroon in a cross-border attack by Boko Haram militants, according to state radio. tinyurl/pmeybyg The Conscience of a Benghazi Whistleblower: Raymond Maxwell claims he witnessed top Hillary Clinton aides purge State Department files. Heres why you should believe him. theamericanconservative/articles/the-conscience-of-a-benghazi-whistleblower/ 35 Taliban militants killed in Afghanistan: At least 35 militants were killed Friday by Afghan security forces during armed operations against Taliban militants across the country, according to the Afghan Interior Ministry. aa.tr/en/rss/392210--35-taliban-militants-killed-in-afghanistan Power-Sharing Deal Struck in Afghan Election: Ashraf Ghani will become the countrys president and Abdullah Abdullah, or someone he appoints, will become the CEO - a role similar to prime minister - and power will be divided equally, according to a sources from both camps involved in the talks. The agreement could be signed as soon as Sunday. nbcnews/storyline/afghanistan-election/power-sharing-deal-struck-afghan-election-n208026 Pakistan: 15 Militants, One Soldier Killed in North Waziristan: At least 15 militants were killed today in airstrikes by Pakistani military in the restive North Waziristan tribal region, where the security forces have launched a major offensive to wipe out the Taliban. outlookindia/news/article/15-Militants-One-Soldier-Killed-in-North-Waziristan/860703 Shells hits Donetsk chemical plant - district council : The first explosion was caused by a shell that had hit the plant and the second was caused by the detonation of the remaining explosives, he said. rbth/news/2014/09/20/shells_hits_donetsk_chemical_plant_-_district_council_39970.html War over? Both sides in Ukraine conflict sign treaty banning military action: Kiev and self-defense forces signed a memorandum aimed at effectively halting all fighting in eastern Ukraine after talks in Minsk. It creates a buffer zone, demands a pullback of troops and mercenaries, and bans military aviation flybys over the area. rt/news/189192-ukraine-military-action-banned/ NATO members, Poland and Lithuania form joint military unit with Ukraine: Poland and Lithuania launched a joint military force on Friday that Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski said could start its first exercises next year. Polish defense officials said the new joint unit could take part in peacekeeping operations, or form the basis of a NATO battle group if one was needed in the future. tinyurl/mgeswkm Fact or fiction? CIA stops spying on friendly nations in W. Europe: The pause in decades of espionage was designed to give CIA officers time to examine whether they were being careful enough and to evaluate whether spying on allies is worth running the risk of discovery, said a U.S. official who has been briefed on the situation. tinyurl/lb29c6t Dem Rep. says FBI watching 40 Islamic State fighters back from Middle East: Rep. Tim Bishop (D., N.Y.) warned during a recent speech that up to 40 radicalized U.S. citizens who have fought alongside the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL or ISIS) have already returned to the United States, where they could pose a terrorist threat. washingtontimes/news/2014/sep/19/dem-rep-says-fbi-watching-40-who-returned-islamic-/ US police kill 104 people in August: These killings are part of a general pattern of abuse carried out by an increasingly militarized police force. wsws.org/en/articles/2014/09/19/poli-s19.html Ferguson officer Darren Wilson testifies before grand jury: Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Missouri police officer who killed 18-year-old Michael Brown, testified for four hours in secret this past week. All indications are that the St. Louis County prosecutor, Robert McCulloch, a Democrat, is intent on using the grand jury as political cover for a decision he has already made not to prosecute Wilson. https://wsws.org/en/articles/2014/09/20/ferg-s19.html Withheld Evidence Will Cost Los Angeles Cops: Two Los Angeles police officers who deliberately withheld evidence of a mans innocence, causing him to spend 27 months in jail, must pay $106,000, the 9th Circuit ruled Wednesday. courthousenews/2014/09/18/71551.htm Meet the neighborhood watch thats policing the police: Eric Garners chokehold death put a spotlight on efforts to reform the NYPD from inside and outside the department tinyurl/pt957ey There Are No Human Rights on a Dead Planet Why On Earth Is Amnesty International Joining the Peoples Climate March? blog.amnestyusa.org/amnesty/there-are-no-human-rights-on-a-dead-planet/ 9/21 * NYC - Join the Largest Climate March In History: With our future on the line and the whole world watching, well take a stand to bend the course of history. Well take to the streets to demand the world we know is within our reach: a world with an economy that works for people and the planet; a world safe from the ravages of climate change; a world with good jobs, clean air and water, and healthy communities. peoplesclimate.org/march/ Forward this email to a friend
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 10:57:45 +0000

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