Hard News Scores of IS militants killed in strikes, clashes - TopicsExpress


Hard News Scores of IS militants killed in strikes, clashes across Iraq: At least 22 people were killed in car bomb attacks and clashes with the militants of the Islamic State (IS) Sunni radical group across Iraq Thursday, while airstrikes continued against positions of the IS in northern Iraq, security sources said. tinyurl/mjcnn3k Isis publicly execute leading lawyer and human rights activist in Iraq: By torturing and executing a female human rights lawyer and activist, defending in particular the civil and human rights of her fellow citizens in Mosul, Isis continues to attest to its infamous nature, combining hatred, nihilism and savagery, as well as its total disregard of human decency, Nickolay Mladenov, the U.N. envoy to Iraq tinyurl/l7tvuqa Militants surround Iraqi base in west Iraq; incident exposes army weakness: Around 200 Iraqi soldiers were trapped in an army camp in western Iraq on Wednesday, besieged by Islamic State militants who routed hapless army forces in a raid on a base close to Baghdad at the weekend. tinyurl/n72w4d9 Iraqi forces retake two besieged areas in west -police chief; Iraqi forces have retaken two areas in the restive western Anbar province where Islamic State insurgents had surrounded two army bases over the past week, Anbars police chief said on Thursday. trust.org/item/20140925161431-2i2b9 Fact or fiction? URGENT: 13,000 American troops to deploy to Speicher Base in Tikrit, Iraq: 13,000 American troops to deploy to Speicher Base in Tikrit, Iraq Tikrit (IraqiNews) On Thursday the Vice President of the Saladin Provincial Council, Jassim Mohammed Hassan al-Attiyah, revealed that there are dozens of American military advisers at Speicher Base and that 13,000 additional American soldiers and their military vehicles will arrive during the next few days to the base in the city of Tikrit, located 140 kilometers (87 miles) northwest of the capital, Baghdad. iraqinews/iraq-war/urgent-13000-american-troops-deploy-speicher-base/ France strikes Islamic State in Iraq after US-led Syria raids: - French fighter jets struck targets in Iraq on Thursday and the United States and its allies stepped up air raids in Syria against Islamic State militants who have taken over large areas of both countries. tinyurl/mvboykd Manufacturing Consent For US Intervention? Iraqi PM says Islamic State planning attacks on Paris, U.S. subway systems: Iraq has received credible intelligence that Islamic State militants plan to launch attacks on subway systems in Paris and the United States, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Thursday. tinyurl/lgsvapn Iraqi Report of ISIS Subway Threat Knocked Down: U.S. intelligence sources told NBC News that there is no evidence of any current threat against New York City subways, after Iraqs prime minister told reporters that ISIS is plotting an imminent attack. nbcnews/storyline/isis-terror/iraqi-report-isis-subway-threat-knocked-down-n211496 Coalition warplanes kill 5 civilians in air strikes on IS oil refineries; The warplanes of the international coalition targeted : 3 oil refineries in al-Houl area in the southern countryside of al-Hasakah, led to death of 5 civilians ( including a child and women ), reports of 2 others . syriahr/en/2014/09/coalition-warplanes-kill-5-civilians-in-air-strikes-on-oil-refineries/ Final death toll for Wednesday 24/09/2014, approximately 183 people killed in Syria: The dead : 36 civilians, 29 rebels, 18 Non-Syrian Islamic fighters, 19 NDF, 30 Regular forces, 8 unknown rebels, 26 ISIS,, 8 YPG, 4 Hezbollah, 6 non-Syrian fighters allied to government forces syriahr/en/2014/09/final-death-toll-for-wednesday-24092014-approximately-183-people-killed-in-syria/ Syrian army extends grip in town northeast of Damascus: Syrian government forces overran rebels in a town northeast of Damascus Thursday, strengthening President Bashar Assads grip on territory around the capital. tinyurl/ms2oowm Is the Khorasan Group Real? Experts Cast Doubts: The US says it has hit a little-known group called Khorasan in Syria, but experts and activists argue it actually struck Al-Qaedas affiliate Al-Nusra Front, which fights alongside Syrian rebels. newsmax/Newsfront/Iraq-Syria-conflict-US/2014/09/24/id/596601/ Arab states risk backlash by joining Syria strikes: The Sunni monarchies run the risk of a backlash by hard-line Islamists angered by the attacks against the Sunni fighters, whom many see as battling a Shiite-led government in Baghdad. Militant websites sympathetic to the Islamic State group lit up on Wednesday with the photos of the Saudi pilots, alongside calls for them to be killed. tinyurl/kpajhhe France to increase security over terrorism threat: - France said on Thursday it would increase security on transport and in public places after a French tourist was killed in Algeria, and said it was ready to support all states that requested its help to fight terror. reuters/article/2014/09/25/us-iraq-crisis-france-idUSKCN0HK1D620140925? Cameron says UK will play its part: The UK cabinet will discuss plans for air strikes against IS in Iraq later, with Parliament due to vote on Friday. bbc.co.uk/news/world-29355713 Manufacturing Consent For UK Intervention - Terrorism suspects held in UK swoop: Police say arrests part of ongoing operation against Islamist-related terrorism as they raid properties across London. tinyurl/nrxeuq2 Protest 25 September: Dont Bomb Iraq - Dont Bomb Syria: Downing Street 5.30pm - LOBBY YOUR MP: Use our model letter to write to your MP. It takes 2 minutes. stopwar.org.uk/events/protest-25-september-don-t-bomb-iraq-don-t-bomb-syria-downing-street-5-30pm ISIL bombing vote in Congress now questionable: A vote on Capitol Hill to authorize the bombing campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is looking less and less likely this year. politico/story/2014/09/congress-isil-vote-lame-duck-111316.html?hp=l1 ANSWER Coalition demonstrations against U.S. bombing of Syria: We in the ANSWER Coalition oppose this war and are calling for demonstrations to oppose the bombing of Syria and Iraq beginning September 23 through September 28. Click here to see a growing list of demonstrations nationwide. answercoalition.org/ Australias Prime Minister Gives a Master Class in Exploiting Terrorism Fears to Seize New Powers: In the post-9/11 era, there has been no terrorist attack carried out on Australian soil: not one. The attack that most affected Australians was the 2002 bombing of a nightclub in Bali which killed 88 of its citizens; that was 12 years ago. tinyurl/n37jgk2 The Australian governments monopoly on violence and murder: If you had to choose a single word to sum the Abbott government you would have a lot to choose from, be it arrogant, abusive, destructive , corrupt, the list goes on. things-that-matter.net/2014/09/24/the-governments-monopoly-on-violence-and-murder/ Rouhani blames rise in extremism on Wests blunders: He also accused certain intelligence agencies of funding groups such as Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq. bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-29368413 US bombing Syria to wrest control of oil: Kucinich: The United States has launched airstrikes on the ISIL terrorist group, also known as ISIS, to wrest control of the oil from ISIS which gained its foothold directly in the region through the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan funding and arming ISIS predecessors in Syria, Kucinich wrote presstv.ir/detail/2014/09/25/379988/us-bombing-syria-for-oil-kucinich/ Hidden Camera Reveals Chilling Life Under ISIS Control : Video - A mother, with an AK-47 slung over her shoulder, walks her child to a playground. A man driving a car orders a woman to cover her face: God loves women who are covered. https://youtube/watch?v=v6Z3wRBqPCU&list=UU1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ Fatah, Hamas agreement to give unity government control over Gaza: Rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah reached an agreement Thursday by which the unity government run by President Mahmoud Abbas would take control of the Gaza Strip, negotiators in Egypt-mediated reconciliation talks told reporters. tinyurl/nn2o2yf Israel criticised over blocking UNHRC mission: Israel denies the UN Rapporteur on human rights access to West Bank amid reports that abuses have sharply increased. aljazeera/news/middleeast/2014/09/israel-criticised-over-blocking-unhrc-mission-201492412923169111.html US Murders 4 People In Yemen: An unmanned U.S. aircraft fired two missiles at a vehicle carrying four suspected al-Qaida affiliates in Nisab district located in the outskirts of Ataq city, Shabwas provincial capital, a security official in Shabwas military said on condition of anonymity. globalpost/dispatch/news/xinhua-news-agency/140925/4-al-qaida-members-killed-us-drone-strike-yemen US orders evacuation of embassy staff in Yemen citing security concerns: The US State Department on Thursday ordered some of its diplomats and other government workers at the US embassy in Yemen to leave the country because of deteriorating security amid unrest and sectarian clashes theguardian/world/2014/sep/25/us-yemen-embassy-staff-evacuate 21 killed in Boko Haram attack in Nigerias Borno: At least 21 people were killed late Wednesday in renewed Boko Haram attacks in Nigerias northeastern Borno State, multiple sources have said. aa.tr/en/rss/395283--21-killed-in-boko-haram-attack-in-nigerias-borno Six killed in gunfight in Somalia over claimed ransom payment: Six people were killed in central Somalia in a gunfight over a supposed ransom payment tied to the release this week of a German-U.S. journalist held hostage in Somalia for more than two years, police said on Thursday. trust.org/item/20140925142759-93hx1/ Libya Dawn attacks continue south of Tripoli: Libya Dawn Islamic militants from Misrata have taken control of the Warshfana area south of Tripoli, which the rival Zintan-led alliance had attempted to enter. Libya Dawn has already seized the city of Tripoli. agi.it/en/world/news/libya_dawn_attacks_continue_south_of_tripoli-201409251225-cro-ren1014 Egypt blasts Turkish leader after UN speech: - Egypt has accused Turkish leader Tayyip Erdogan of supporting terrorists and seeking to provoke mayhem in the Middle East after he questioned the legitimacy of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in a speech at the UN General Assembly. news24/Africa/News/Egypt-blasts-Turkish-leader-after-UN-speech-20140925 13 militants killed in Khyber Agency air strikes: Thirteen militants were killed in fresh air strikes by the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) jets in Tirah Valley in the Khyber Agency on Wednesday.The Political Administration of Khyber Agency has confirmed that 13 militants were killed in the air strikes by the jet fighters of PAF.Eight hideouts of militants were also destroyed in the air strikes. thenews.pk/Todays-News-13-33102-13-militants-killed-in-Khyber-Agency-air-strikes Dozens of bodies found in mass graves in eastern Ukraine: Russias Foreign Ministry believes the mass burial of civilians near Donetsk is a military crime that could have been committed by Ukraines National Guard, and insists on an urgent and comprehensive international probe into the case. en.itar-tass/world/751192 Ukraine to shut border with Russia, seek EU membership: President Petro Poroshenko yesterday ordered a temporary closure of Ukraines porous border with Russia and voiced plans to apply for EU membership in 2020 as part of his ex-Soviet countrys Westward shift. news.kuwaittimes.net/ukraine-shut-border-russia-seek-eu-membership/ Lavrov puzzled by Obamas UN speech: I didnt understand whether he was serious or not and whether there was an Orwellian element in it. Because George Orwell invented the Ministry of Truth and it looks like this philosophy is lingering. rt/news/190392-russia-lavrov-obama-threat-speech/ Abbott calls Russia a bully at UN: Prime Minister Tony Abbott has used his debut speech to the UN General Assembly to label Russia a bully for its invasion of Ukraine. https://au.news.yahoo/thewest/national/a/25113466/ US Attorney General Eric Holder to resign: Holder has no immediate plans once he steps down, Reuters quoted one official as saying, and NPR added that the process of appointing a successor could extend into next year. rt/usa/190656-eric-holder-resigns-obama/ Contempt of Congress case against Holder will proceed: The contempt of Congress case against Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. - the first sitting Cabinet member ever to face such a congressional rebuke - will continue even after his resignation takes effect, but its unlikely he will ever face personal punishment, legal analysts said Thursday. washingtontimes/news/2014/sep/25/contempt-congress-case-will-proceed-without-holder/ This is a complete list of Wall Street CEOs prosecuted for their role in the financial crisis: Five years after Lehman fell, taking the global economy along with it, a roll call of Wall Street CEOs serving time for their role in the crisis looks something like this: tinyurl/m9cegsj South Carolina trooper shoots man looking for his ID : Video - Five days after being fired from the South Carolina Highway Patrol for shooting an unarmed man several times during a traffic stop, former cop Sean Groubert was arrested in the city of Columbia on Wednesday and charged with a felony. https://youtube/watch?v=sxFODW_eDi0#t=55 Women of Color and the Hidden Trauma of Police Brutality: Calling out discrimination can be a slippery thing, but the shame, humiliation and powerlessness we feel because of overly aggressive policing is real. thenation/article/181648/women-color-and-hidden-trauma-police-brutality Amidst Economic Insecurity, Americans Cant Get Ahead: Survey finds lost faith in the American Dream commondreams.org/news/2014/09/25/broken-dreams-amidst-economic-insecurity-americans-cant-get-ahead
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 10:52:30 +0000

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