Hard to believe only 4 people bothered to read this! It is - TopicsExpress


Hard to believe only 4 people bothered to read this! It is uncomfortable, however it is also the facts. If we don’t want to hand the reigns of democracy over to the insane clown posse (aka republicans) democrats need a LOUD wake up call from liberals, moderates and progressives! KNOW WHY DEMOCRATS ARE IN TROUBLE? In a time where republicans have shown contempt for working, women and the poor and have repeatedly acted like greedy amoral thugs, you would think there would be a democratic landslide in the making instead of a looming takeover by the gop racist-greed-is -good “party of stupid! DEMS NEED TO GROW SOME BALLS!!! While there are some top notch democrats like Elizabeth Warren and strong advocates for the people like independent Bernie Sanders, too many democrats are more worried about playing politics than simply standing for what is right! President Obama said he would act on immigration reform by summer and yet he has been convinced to try and protect blue dog democrats by delaying actually doing something until after the election. The reason many democrats will sit home in November is that they feel voting for democrats is voting for the lesser of the evils. Not a strong motivator. If democrats would stand and loudly support the Affordable Care Act, fight like hell for womens rights, own the issue of raising the minimum wage and be proud of all the great things president Obama has managed to do in-spite of the racist tea party obstruction... in short if democrats would act like they had the balls to stand for what is right instead of what was the most politically expedient, people would have a lot more respect... which translates to a lot more votes.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 18:24:47 +0000

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