Hard to believe that my little man Evan is now an older 16 year - TopicsExpress


Hard to believe that my little man Evan is now an older 16 year old. Ever since you were young, your sense of wonder knew no bounds. So curious, always asking questions, always wanting to know the answer to how things worked. Then figuring out yourself, with your own hands (thanks radios, vacuum cleaner and other small electrical appliances) how they actually DID work, and how they fit back together. (Or NOT.) With a deeply rooted sense of compassion for animals...I will never forgot that time in grade 4 or 5 when I got a call from the school, stating that you were going to be getting detentions for swearing. For swearing at the older boys who were mercilessly chasing a stray dog around the school yard, terrorizing her even more. For getting them to stop tormenting her. For this I challenged the school to punish you for doing what was right, even if you did get angry at those boys, and used foul language. And even though you did get the detention, what you still did was right. That time you were selling popcorn with the Scouts, from door to door, and you would not move until Skipper Greg called me, to help with a stray dog that some people found wandering in the street. You made sure that the whole group stayed with the dog until the owner finally came to collect his dog. How great you are with younger kids. How you spend time with them, and how you never make fun of them. How smart you are....how you think so deeply about things, and always ask yourself how and why things are the way they are. How much you love boxing. I see great things in store for you, keep it up! Do you drive me crazy sometimes with your back talk and sass? Of course you do. Do you drive me nuts that you use whole rolls of electrical tape at one time? Hell yeah! Does it irk me that your clothes are all over the place? Hmm-mm. Do your coffee-cookie-chocolate drink powder concoctions drive me batty, along with the trail of dirty dishes? Yes! But I wouldnt change it for the world. I love you, my Little Man! Always and forever. I am very proud, and very lucky to have a son such as you. Happy 16th Birthday!!!! Hey Evan, guess what?!?!?!?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:31:34 +0000

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