Harmful and Adverse Effects of Cell Phone Use Here is a list - TopicsExpress


Harmful and Adverse Effects of Cell Phone Use Here is a list ofharmful effects of using a mobile phone... Brain Tumors Cell phone users can easily be affected by brain tumors due to the radiations emittedby cell phones. Interestingly, the risk is highest for ipsilateral exposure, meaning tumor on thesame side of the brainwhere phone mostly held. Alter DNA A laboratory study has shown that radio waves from mobile phones do harm body cells and damage DNA.(According to BBC) Glioma Studies show that use of cell phones for more than 10 years increase the risk of Glioma Nickel Nickel has been found in quite a few mobile sets. About 30% of UK population is allergic to nickel. Rash breaks out where the skin comes in contact with the cell phone. Lack of Sleep Scientists at a SwedishUniversity, University of Gothenburg discovered that spending a lot of time on a cell phone disturbed the sleep. Road Accidents Throughout the world stats have shown an increase in road accidents because of drivers either talking on cell phones or texting while driving.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 02:02:22 +0000

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