Harness Your World (Day 7) And God blessed them, and God said - TopicsExpress


Harness Your World (Day 7) And God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it, and reign in life... (Genesis 1 :28) One major assignment of the blessing in your life is to empower you to subdue your world. You can not truly begin to reign in life, until your world is subdued by you! This is the reason God blessed you and charged you, among other things, to subdue your world. The Hebrew word, translated subdue is kabash and it means, to conquer, to enslave, and in the harshest instance, to molest, or to rape. However, within the context of the above scripture, it means, to bring under ones control, to overcome, and to harness. So, God wants you to bring your world under your control through his blessing. However, understand that the charge to subdue your world, implies there will be challenges to be overcome, puzzles to be solved, mysteries to be unraveled, environments to be explored, secrets to be uncovered, resources to be exploited and principles to be discovered in order to harness your potential and that of your world. And this relates not only to your natural life but also, to your spiritual life and world. So, as it were, God blessed you, and by design, he put you to the challenge of unleashing the potential of your world for the benefit of everyone in your world! Proverbs 25:2 says, It is the glory of God to conceal a thing but the honor of kings to search out a matter. As a king, God has left you to unravel the mysteries meant for your greatness which he has hidden, not from you, but for you to effectively bring your world under your control. And so, the question is, Do you know world?, Have you unraveled your world?, “How have you been able to overcome the challenges of your world?. Are you poised to harness the vast potential of your world? “Do you really know you? Listen, God is saying to you, explore your world, overcome its challenges, unravel its mystery, make discoveries, exploit its resources and harness its vast potentials for your benefit and for the benefit of every one in your world. Yes, mankind as a whole have been able to achieve some level of success in this regard. Mankind have subdued, to some recognizable extent, the earths wilderness, forest, rivers, sea, sky and weather. Great advancement have been made in education, in the development of science and technology and in knowing more about our world like never before. Also, in agriculture and cultivation of fields, in exploitation and mining of its vast mineral resources, in commerce, in construction of world class architectural buildings, monuments and skyscrapers with the use of trees and solid minerals, in domestication of animals, and in the discovery of laws which have been put to use in building cars, aeroplanes, jets, ships, rockets, etc. So, naturally speaking, mankind have been able to subdued to some extent, its physical world. But had failed to achieve same in the spiritual world and so have not been able to effectively reign as he should. Remember, man is not just a physical being but also a spiritual being and can not therfore reign in life effectively without also subduing his spiritual world. So, developing your natural, including your mental and spiritual capacity is fundamental to your dominion on earth. It will position you accurately to harness the potentials of your natural and spiritual world for your benefit. Just like you have in the natural, there are also, spiritual principles to be discovered, spiritual mysteries to be unraveled, spiritual enemies to be subdued, spiritual potentials to be harnessed, spiritual life to be lived, godly character to be cultivated and spiritual resources to be exploited in order to bring your world under your control and be a blessing to it. Listen, to bring your world under your control, you will need to connect to him who has all things under his own control and build a robust relationship with him. His word will take you into an adventure of your spiritual world. In fact, his word is what you need to begin to unravel the mysteries about you and your world. Your discoveries through the revelation in his word will actually help you bring your world under your control and harness its vast potentials and resources to your advantage. So, harness your world.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:29:37 +0000

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