Harry’s gf: Me! Niall’s gf: Heavyn Casper Louis’ gf: Leilani - TopicsExpress


Harry’s gf: Me! Niall’s gf: Heavyn Casper Louis’ gf: Leilani Rizel Nahaku Zayn’s gf: Madison Leigh Liam’s gf: Julissa Aguirre My best friend: Sam / |*sam*| Part 5- I was in my bathroom trying to do my hair. Me and Sam were going to go to Harry’s house for a movie night, like he said. I was wearing a hot pink pajama pants with black hearts on them, while my top was a plain white fitted tshirt. “Patricia, are you ready?” Sam asked from outside the bathroom. “Yeah!” I yelled out. We gathered the things we packed because we knew that we might stay for the night. We took Sam’s car to Harry’s house. I softly knocked on the door and it was opened by Leilani. “Hi, girls! Come on in!” she said as we hugged her. “Hi everyone!” I said with a smile. Harry came up to me. I eyed him down. He was also wearing pajamas but they were plaid designed. “Hey, Patricia! Glad you came” he said. He placed an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. I blushed as he led me to the couch where the others were about to watch a movie. I sat down right beside Harry. The movie finished and everyone else said that they would go to their rooms, also Sam who joined them. I rested my head on Harry’s shoulder. He looked down at me. “You tired, love?” he asked. “Mmm… A little” I then yawned. “Come closer, you can sleep on my shoulder…” he said. I scooted a little bit more and tried to fall asleep. He stroked my hair and whispered, “I wish you knew how fast I’m falling for you… I love you” he kissed the top of my head. Without warning, my body shot up. Harry got startled by my actions. “Oh my… You didn’t hear anything, right?” he said nervously. I looked down and played with my fingers. “I actually did…” I mumbled. “I’m so sorry. I bet you hate me now. I’m so stupid.” He ran his fingers through his curls. “Harry, calm down… It’s ok because I-“ I cut myself off. “You what?” he asked. “I…I love you too” I said quietly. His eyes widened in shock. His lips curved up into a smile. He pulled me in for a tight bear hug. He then cupped my cheeks and leaned in to kiss me. My eyes fluttered shut as I let everything happen. His soft lips touched mine. His tongue swiped my bottom lip, asking for access. I granted him as his tongue danced along with mine. I heard clapping from the background. We looked around to see the lights opened. Heavyn, Leilani, Madison, Julissa, Sam, Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn had their cameras on record. “Omg, guys! This is so embarrassing! Stop the recording!” I said as I covered my face. Harry pulled me into a hug. “Babe, don’t be embarrassed! In fact, everyone should know that you’re mine now!” he chuckled. I slapped his shoulder then said, “You never asked me to be yours” I said with a giggle. “Well then, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked with a smile, his dimples showing. “Let me think…” I teased him. “Oh come on!” he whined. “I’m kidding and yes, I’ll gladly be yours” he pulled my face and kissed me again. I was so happy at the moment. “You go Harry!” they shouted. 3+ likes for part 6. -crazy mofo
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 21:56:30 +0000

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